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What Synastry Aspect Is A Deal-Breaker For You?

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Today's layered, crazy. I had a hair appt. Looking in the mirror, I thought my hair looked short... thought about telling her she cut it too short, last time.  Told my husband, how short my hair was.  Went to the salon and sat there, waiting my turn. Stylist had another client. She's usually on time, but I didn't think anything about it.

She eventually came around the corner, surprised to see me.  "What are doing here?"

"I have an appointment."


"Nine o' clock".

She went back to look at her book. "I have you on my book for the 29th."

"And this is the 9th. You texted me."

"I texted you the 9th?"

"Yes, I confirmed it.."

So now I know what my hair is so short, lol.  But I'm stunned at my own obedience. All I know is when you have an appointment, you show up for it.

She felt really bad. I think it's funny.

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Sagg men in any form. The one and only I dated had Sun, Mercury and Venus in the sign with a Mars/Neptune conjunction in Libra. Aries moon.
Lying, gaslighting, controlling, goading fights. My Pisces moon ran screaming.
I've never dated a Capricorn. I believe there can only be one Goat in a relationship. Thinking there would probably be a power struggle.
Never dated an Aries Sun either, just the moons but again, power struggle.

With all my water, knock down drag out screaming matches fire signs think are 'fun' put me in bed for days.
Moon/Uranus contacts give me the heebie-jeebies too.

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@sk8samurai How did I forget to mention them? I agree with you. 

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Their Mars square or opposite my Mercury. I think Mercury gets ignored in synastry but mind-melds are amazing. Also, I'm Mercurial and I have a lot to say.

Most people my age have their Pluto opposite my Mercury (as I do). But too much other stuff besieging my Mercury doesn't end well if they can't hold it back, so I will be staying far away in the future. The last time I was in a relationship like this, I almost didn't live through it. The dude had a Mars-Pluto conjunction right across from my Mercury. If we disagreed over even a small thing, he'd unleash the full bludgeoning force out on me and bust out into a 10 minute rant where I literally couldn't speak. It felt like anytime I said anything I might hit a tripwire (the opposition). I wasn't guiltless in that coming to an end, but it was more important to him that he was right than that I felt love. 

His Saturn and Jupiter made a T-Square with my Sun too. His morals and principles crushed my life force. Maybe that was more significant. When you plug my Gemini in with my current suitor's same two planets, he almost gets a Grand Air Trine. That can't be too bad 😉 .

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@rusalka This is the story of my current relationship: Pluto, Mars, and Mercury square my Mercury. Walking on eggshells is how I feel sometimes, not so much as before, but still, he gets me from time to time with his rants and harshness. But what got me in your comment was this:  His morals and principles crushed my life force. His morals and principles are the most important thing in the world, nothing can jeopardize it.

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@dori Yeah, I felt like my life was over when he left me, but it was still a relief that that was over and I could speak. In time I realized I dodged a bullet. Hopefully yours will wise up to what he has and pull himself together instead.

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@rusalka I doubt. I think when it comes to such men, they have to overcome their egos first, and they aren't too eager to do that. He will never change, but he will demand others do, just can't see his faults because he believes he has none. Others have plenty of it.

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