What Just Happened (Post The Mutable T-Square)?

Jupiter card redI had a very difficult week. I bet you can say the same, especially if you have planets that were caught up in the Mutable T-square. I think I understand this though and better yet, I think I can explain it.

Chances are all kinds of things shifted in your life. One veil dropped, another was put in place. Someone lied or maybe it just seemed that way. It’s also possible the lie was necessary to protect the innocent (like a child). Most definitely some people were martyred, while others were spared or saved or rescued…

With Jupiter and Neptune involved, you might see this a God mixing it up. It’s a SET CHANGE but for GOOD. If you have pairs or groups that don’t help or benefit from each other, it makes sense to break them up, even if the parties are initially disoriented.

This is what I think happened but why?

I think it’s because Saturn is turning direct, mid-week.  We’re all going to move ahead now and there’s no sense dragging the dead or unwilling along with you.

If you had a really bad week, as I did, look for how you benefited. Because the gift is there and probably quite incredibly generous (even if you are now bruised and have a black eye)!

Can others see this story line?

25 thoughts on “What Just Happened (Post The Mutable T-Square)?”

  1. Monday was my anniversary, Tuesday my birthday. My mother had a stroke on Wednesday. “Very difficult” is an understatement. But we carry on. What else is there to do, after all, but carry on?

  2. ”With Jupiter and Neptune involved, you might see this a God mixing it up. It’s a SET CHANGE but for GOOD. If you have pairs or groups that don’t help or benefit from each other, it makes sense to break them up, even if the parties are initially disoriented.”

    .. ok. But what about the things that came together? Is it still God shuffling this particular deck, for the last time?

      1. That’s really interesting. Thanks for the response! I was just thinking that last week hadn’t really affected me much, in any specific kind of way. Which is weird: all of my angles are mutable, plus my sun, moon and mars. But no earth quakes and no storms – except for this one thing, where a certain situation that’s been following me off and on for the past 3 years, suddenly popped up again.

        And I remember last week thinking
        that there isn’t any reason that this time would be any different from the other times, when things have just fizzled out without a clear response or answer. But this time I just have this feeling, that this will be the last time I’ll find myself here: I think this time there is an ending and an answer.

        It seems counterintuitive though when there’s a mutable square going on between Neptune and Jupiter. Can anything attempted now even lead to something lasting? Things falling apart and dissolving seem much more natural and in tune with the order of things. And a door finally closing is an answer too, I guess..

  3. These last several days, going into last week, have been intense. Emotions have been running high at home with the people staying with me. Communication has been difficult. Something got broken (it was minor but still felt like a huge violation, even if accidental).

    Ultimately the conclusion is that this isn’t going to work out and they are getting ready to leave. I had set a schedule for them to do so, after attempting to get a good timeline from them to no avail. But it was an uncomfortable series of conversations and the tension got really high. I ended up having to backtrack so I could tolerate living there while they’re still there. And we got to a better place after some arguing and tears on my end. But even though I ultimately said they could stay, they are going to leave. Guess I’m just too difficult to deal with. But I’m relieved.

    At least I tried to be a good person and help others in need. I still don’t know if I’ll let them go back out on the street if it really does come to that and they can’t find another situation. I just can’t sustain this long-term unless there were certain shifts in the dynamic between us, and it became clear that wouldn’t happen. Think I need my space back.

    1. Yes, your heart has been in the right place. Your own emotional well being is very important and should not be sacrificed. It’s not your fault if the dynamic can’t be changed.

      1. Thank you, I really appreciate this. 🙂 I ended up sending her (the main friend) some money today via Paypal. Nothing I couldn’t afford, just thought it would help with some obstacles. She was thankful. Then when I got home they were gone, all their stuff was gone and they’d left the spare keys. She also left a note…it was interesting, basically saying there were no hard feelings, suggested turning to Jesus to alleviate all ailments…the note had an air of finality to it so I don’t plan to contact them again. Feels like I’m in the conclusion of a movie. But it is nice to have my space back and this has been an excellent learning experience.

  4. Nothing in particular happened last week, but I have just felt blah, very uninspired, nothing to look forward to. Hopefully this will change with Saturn going direct. I am wanting some change happening.

  5. “Was I deceived or did a sable cloud turn forth her silver lining on the night?”. Surely every cloud has a silver lining!
    – John Milton

    The question is; can we see it or are we willing to let go of what should now reside in the past so that we can see this silver lining?

  6. Monday was the mediation for my divorce, which will be be final on January 1, 2020. I will take back my name. I will move on. I can begin now. And I have.

    Was it hard? You bet it was. But one day was not as hard as the months and months that led up to it. I paid attention, Elsa. I followed astrology, along with my heart and my mind.

    Is it over? Of course not. Nothing ends in a day but its on its way.

    1. Good luck, W.J. Years ago, I had to go through the same process. This time period, for you, certainly is one of dissolving partnership dreams. Glad you had astrology to lean on.

  7. Yep, had a shitty week. Out of the blue. Hadn’t seen “it” coming. Thanks for explaining what happened and whereto from here.

  8. Yes, 3 days before this was wrote a deception was unveiled. The person was instructed by an authority figure to hide information from us all, so they did not intend harm but it still shocked and hurt me. The upside is that I can remove myself from the situation and am glad true colours were revealed.

  9. absolute hell
    never nice to see homemade porn by your boyfriend with his ex he’s been jerking off to
    won’t go on
    hell hath no fury
    i’m glad now
    he’s been gaslighting me for ages
    he done fucked up & kitty don’t care

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