May 2023

Capricorn dark

How Long With The Recession Last?

Most feel we’re in a (world-wide) recession even if it’s not been formally announced, outside of Germany. I’ve been avoiding writing about Pluto’s last period in Capricorn, hoping for something definitive to occur that would be acknowledged by conventional media.  This way I could avoid (Pisces) being called morose (Saturn). I’m giving up on this


Healthy Level Of Daily Stress?

Hi, Elsa. What is the key to maintaining healthy levels of stress per day, for a Mutable Earth sun, Mutable Fire moon & Fixed Air rising? Anonymous in Malaysia Hi, Malaysia. Key here is what level of stress is healthy.  If you define this word the way I do, the answer is none. I’m not


Abandoning Friends When A New Love Comes Along

“I would like to know more about abandoning your friends in favor of a flavor of the month type relationship/addiction. For those who cannot do 12 step programs or stuff like that. I know you say certain problems solve themselves but I figured I’d ask anyway. How does one find deeper meaning in “the chart”.

mars book

Will Pluto Force A Person To Get Out And Live

Do you think Pluto in Aquarius will be a social renaissance for those who’s social life or love life has been dormant? Will it force me to come out? Or will I continuously choose to live vicariously through others? There has to be some positive aspects of this, right? I have Venus in Leo at

break up painting 1896

How Do You Know When To Leave A Relationship?

You wake up sick of your friend or your lover or whoever. Is it okay to leave?  Let’s assume you have some time and energy invested in this person. Easy answer! Of course it’s okay to leave. You can do anything you want, any time you want for any reason.  This is true!  This is

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