2024 Astro Holiday Guide

Christmas elves

It’s here! Satori and I both know how stressful things are for everyone. We also realize this stress will not let up in the near term. We put our heart and soul into this year’s guide.

We also know inflation is an enormous problem, so we priced our guide low. On top of that, anyone who buys the guide will get a coupon code that will take 10% off anything you buy through the cart. This includes consultations. The savings on a single one-hour consultation will about cover about half the cost of the guide. If you like to give Astrology Reports as gifts, this will also help. Help you, and help us too.

We think you’ll love this. We also think it will make a great difference for you. The sooner you buy, the better (says Capricorn who likes to plan). I’m thinking it’s a genuinely beneficial idea to get out in front of all the scare astrology coming your way. This guide will be invaluable on that level.  Thanks so much for your support!

Use Astrology To Navigate the Holidays: 2024-25

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