Addressing All The Negative Programming

shop til you dropIf a woman pays attention to the media, she’ll learn she’s nowhere good enough for a man. If you want a man, you better do, x, y, and z, and you better do these things quickly because otherwise you have no chance.  You better buy this, say this, not say this – just prepare to be judged and fail, okay?  And by the way, it’s your fault and all men cheat, so get used to it and also plan to cheat yourself! Show that bastard!

If a man pays attention to the media, he will be told, forget women!  They are way too much trouble, they whine all the time, they lie, the cheat, the wreck you, they ruin you, stick with your bros!  Make those bitches crawl!

Women are also told they can have it all!  Their man should do this, this, this and this… and be this, this, this and this… things that are utterly remote from anything sane.  If you listen to this,  you will get a man and drive him insane, expecting him to twist into a pretzel.  You definitely need to wear a whistle around you neck. Blow it whenever that bastard tries to breathe.

Can you see how these type messages, if internalized will truly and deeply mess you up? It’s another reason, I post stories. I have had normal interactions with men and women, of all ages, all colors, all sexualities, all my life.  This can be done!

Twenty years ago, I asked on the blog, if art reflected life or was it the opposite.  A lot of people weighed in. More than fifty, I think.  The comments were mixed, but one man emailed me.

I don’t know about you, but when someone really KNOWS something, I can sense it. This man told me privately, the art was leading, without a shadow of a doubt.  He went into it a bit… I am doing this for you, now. I, calling your attention.

They show “it” on tv or in movies or in music videos or whatever.  People follow. And this a broad as it is deep.  I’ll give you an example.

shopaholicDo you remember, “shop ’till you drop”? Who do you think benefitted from that?  Women followed this instruction, in droves.  They went straight to the mall and spent and spent and spent. It was freakin’ way of life!  Power shopping, baby! It was genius!  Being a “shopaholic” was seen as a badge of honor! Retail therapy!

Was it authentic to the women at the mall?  Some of them – yes!  My sister was one of them.  It’s her second house. She likes “stuff” and specifically “luxury stuff”. But what about the rest of us? Why should someone like me, follow that instruction?

Back on the relationships, I don’t think there’s a SINGLE healthy relationship modeled in the media at this time.  If there is, you can be sure, the man or the woman will be cheating, by episode three, or killing someone or cooking crack or whatever.

Does this sound normal to you? I don’t think it is. I want to say, it’s okay to be normal. And what is normal?

Normal people know you win some and you lose some. They figure this out. Normal people slip up so they understand when other slip up. They don’t CANCEL you for a breath you took.  You can let your hair down a bit. Be comfortable. How the hell else is someone supposed to get to know you?

Normal people know that “chemistry” exists.  Consequently,  they don’t waste time trying to attract everyone.  What the hell are you going to so with “everyone”, anyway? (See 2 minute video – Beauty Ideal, from 2007. Yes, I’ve been at this awhile).

If you really want to empower yourself as an individual (Pluto in Aquarius), consider breaking free of the twisted crap and acting in accord with your nature. Your own soul. I don’t think this is easy. It’s certainly not easy for me!

I remember stating I did not want a “smart phone”, twenty years ago.  I was mocked all over this blog. It was my sister who started it.  Guess what? I still don’t want a smart phone! I have one but I don’t even have it the room with me, 90% of the time. Why don’t I fall in line? It would be a lot easier, that’s for sure.

This is the kind of thing I have been mulling now, for years.   To this day, I get up every morning of my life and expect to have NO trouble with anyone or anything.  Try it!

I’m an interesting woman. I’m pretty good natured and I tend to be generous, funny, loyal and helpful. These qualities add up to “marriage material”.

If a man marries me, the odds I ruin his life are virtually, zero. If I man thinks I need a special phone, and fourteen shopping bags jammed with clothes and makeup, he’s out of the running, because that’s not me.  My soul does not belong with a man like that. Let’s repulse each other and move on, as nature intends!  Not – I better go shopping and get this guy to like me!

My friend, Ben, said to me, decades ago.  “There’s enough room in the world for someone like me!”

This is true for you as well, so I ask again? Who are you?

I’m a woman who does not like gadgets and/or things that distract me and reduce my vision field.  “Broad” not “myopic” for me. I hate looking at a phone. I know this about myself, and I always have. Why would I be standing in line to be a new phone every few months?

Then I read I am un-dateable because of this. What a crock!

If this is interesting to you, and you want to see if you can extricate your true personality, see if you can go a day or even an hour, spending your time and investing your energy, in something that is personally meaningful to you. See how it goes.

I’ll end with this: the shopping addiction that you were groomed into, has been moved online. More profit, see?

I hope at least one person reading this gets pissed.  No one tells you how great anger is.  Sometimes you need to get up a real head of steam, so you can exit a ditch you drove into, years ago.

Your thoughts?

3 thoughts on “Addressing All The Negative Programming”

  1. I was trapped in the shopping addiction. When I was young and my mother didn’t know how to have a relationship with me after my father passed away, she would give me her credit card and let me go shopping. I was modest then, but as a young adult I found that it still filled the void- albeit, short lived. But isn’t that the nature of addiction? Now as an adult I managed to realize I also like luxury items. That soft cashmere sweater and designer lug sole boots.. yeah, now I’m power housing these bad habits because my financial situation sucks and I’ve only got myself to blame. Online shopping is the devil. I also learned that I will never find myself in “things”. A hard learned truth. Buts it’s only upwards from here. I unsubscribed from mailing list and stopped looking for stuff. Though I know if I do need something, I’ll buy solid quality over quantity- only if I need it! That the way I’ve got to live now.

  2. I love this post.
    God help you if you ever leave your phone on silent. Oh and now I’m supposed to go out and buy ‘Full Body Deodorant’ Someones going to make a lot of money on that one.

  3. Smiling big. Indifferent or even challenging to peer and social pressure. Never bought stuff because it was trendy to have, my clothes are just that, pieces of fabric. Since they fit me, match me and please me I am ok. I am a sucker for nice fabrics and good fits not for brands, this is my taurus venus speaking. I will forever own android because it’s convenient for me. I also use email because it’s convenient for me. I don’t use whatsapp because it’s very inconvenient for me. Aquarius rules my 2nd house with uranus capricorn in 1st. Saturn, lilith, ceres in aquarius 1st house.

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