All Dogs Shine Out!

all dogs shine outPluto is about to leave Capricorn. I am consolidating my work product over the last twenty some years.  This means, I’m cleating out my hard drive and various backups. I came across this piece which made me laugh.  It was written in 2002, which means it’s never been on this iteration of my blog.

All dogs, shine out!”  This was my daughter’s proclamation when she was six years old. Jupiter in Sagittarius trine her Leo moon. We ran with this statement, on my original, xanga blog.

When I wrote this, I was on a tear about relationships. I was writing about how and why people hook up.  I’d written about observing a Virgo in her habitat (in front of the library, before it was open), getting cruised by a Scorpio.  This gal did not go to the library, early, to meet a man.  So what! It was to be her day anyway.

I told that story and then came back with this.  Note – “Tumbler” is my son, who would have been four years old.


One other point. See, how this can’t be stopped? The exchange between people, I mean. This situation constellates in immediate fashion, so what’s that mean?

It means if the guy / gal doesn’t like you, move along. If you’re pining over someone who doesn’t want you, it’s about you. It has nothing to do with them. It’s something in your makeup that makes you want to be someone pining over someone.

Personally, I go where the energy is. You can’t make it when it’s not there, and you can’t make it go away when it is, so why struggle? If that guy in the last post goes for Aquarian women, I may as well take a walk. If Scott goes for Elsa, you may as well take a walk.

I hope I make my point. You really can’t go wrong if you be yourself and you really can’t go right if you don’t. Astrology promises that each of us is compelling to (some) others.

People who are celebrity… a siren who is worshipped for example, is not loved for their person-hood, but because she is a symbol that is projected onto. Think, Marilyn Monroe. Real, satisfying relationship between two people is an organic thing. It’s something that occurs in nature.

As an aside – do you want to know how to broadcast clearly?  Limit exposure to people who want to amputate parts of your personality. And if you are your own worst enemy like that, knock it off.

This reminds me of a little gal who is in the daycare with Tumbler at the gym.  She’s less than three years old and her mother towering over her, corrects her behavior every ten seconds.

“Taylor, don’t do that!  That’s not nice. Is that the way we act? What are you doing?  Say hi to Miss Daycarelady. It’s not nice to be rude. You are not being very nice today. I know that you know better than this. Where are you manners, anyway?  You know mommy taught you to be polite.  What’s gotten into you?  Come over here. Now you’ve wrinkled your dress.”

This little girl can’t take one natural step without being tripped.  She is being taught to look outside herself for clues how to act and live a life.  So she grows up and gets away from Mom (if she’s lucky) and then what’s she do?

Well nine times out of ten she becomes her own perp.  She talks to herself. She looks in the mirror and says, “You can’t wear that. Your ass is too big. What will people think? What’s the matter with you anyway? You should be doing a lot better than you are. I just don’t how you’re going to fix this mess that is you.”

Now compare that to someone who is not going to mold themselves to other people’s expectations. They are going to be their unique self, with their unique thoughts. This person is automatically more interesting that the first.  More importantly, they are aligned with their own energy. This makes them easy to spot, by people looking for their personal vibe.

Get what I’m saying? There is someone out there looking for YOU. But if you’re covered over in some cheap and shitty veneer (which all veneer is)… Well you may get a date, but you don’t have a hope in hell of getting your real needs met in relationship.

Here’s an example, to illustrate.

Mars symbolSay there is a man out there with Venus in Aries. He’s looking for a woman who is going to give him some shit. He wants you to throw a plate at him now and then. You know. He wants some damned FIGHT in his woman.

Say you’re a woman with Mars in Aries. Fact is you like to throw a punch now and then. You know you do, but your mother told you if wasn’t lady-like so you go out in the world and pretend to be sweet and coy as instructed and what happens?

Well you’re a pretender and you just missed your man that’s all. Too bad. So sad.

Now reverse it.

Say the man has Venus in Libra and you’ve got four planets in Aries. In other words he’s looking for pleasantries and decorating and you want to race cars, and kick asses. Do you really want this guy?

Every woman in a flowered dress is going to turn his head and where does that leave you?

The best thing you can do for yourself, your kids and everyone around you, is be exactly who you are. Or to quote Mosta, “All Dogs, Shine Out!”

My daughter made a button to pin on her chest, “ALL DOGS SHINE OUT!”. Yes, she was her teacher’s favorite!

Do you shine out?

2 thoughts on “All Dogs Shine Out!”

  1. This post is too real and too good! I relate to it so much, bright quote, smart kid. I was stunted from all sides growing up, if I pushed back harder in my childhood I would have known how to fix cars by now. A mars in aries with saturn, neptune and lilith in 1st house, hearing don’t be like that, be like this. 🙃

  2. I love this post Elsa! Would love to read more of your writings from pre-elsaelsa days. All Dogs, Shine Out! Hehe I’m going to have that rolling around in my head for a while!

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