Astrology Community & Chat Board

sun and moonI understand there are regular readers of the blog who do not know we have a message board here. Well we do! It was established, ten years ago. We have a large community of truly extraordinary people of all ages, from all over the world.

The Forum @ ElsaElsa

Anyone can join! It takes less than one minute. You can post about anything you want. This includes questions about your chart.  There are categories in the forum that allow you to isolate the subject you’re interested in. You can search all content (blog and forums) here.

The group in the forums is diverse.  They’re social, welcoming, generous, supportive and well-informed. Best of all, you can have a screen name. You won’t be tracked – come join us!

15 thoughts on “Astrology Community & Chat Board”

    1. Hello, my name is PHILLIP and I was taught by Robert Pelletier before he died in New Hampshire
      I miss him greatly
      I do tropical and sidereal astrology, as well as Vedic
      I didn’t believe in tropical astrology until I met Robert Pelletier and started to write for Ronnie Grishman at Dell Horoscope with Robert at first
      But before I ever was published by Dale Robert first introduced me to the AFA in Arizona and Chris B. Riske

  1. Are people writing to Astrology message board mainly from the US?
    I am the World Citizen, hopefully i’ll fit in lol
    (sagittarius stelium)

  2. Hey wow I’ve been here how long? I read this post, went oh yeah, message board, went to my profile to check things out and saw that there are 7 posts on my wall! I didn’t even know you could DO that! I’m so sorry to everyone who sent one and got no reply from me, my neptooon’s showing!

    And yes, this is the best. place. ever!

  3. Come and join the fun! I am a UK kid. All nationalities welcome… No pointing and sniggering at different accents 🙂

  4. Oh, it’s me. Neptune conjoins my sun and venus… makes me compassionate but alas, at times, also rather ditzy!! Glad to learn about the Boards…

  5. I signed up for an account but the last time I went to log in, I got a password error…then I was locked out out LOL.

      1. It worked– I had the wrong username. Oops! I’m OrionsBelt, not AstralKender. Typical Gemini identity crisis.

  6. lets say two people have 16 square aspects, 7 opposed aspects and 11 conjunct aspects. Should these two date. Sun signs are Virgo and Leo.

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