Author name: Elsa

I work here.


Why Do I Always Struggle In Relationships?

Hi, Elsa. How do you deal with a chart that just says “ouch” in regard to relationships? I’ve always struggled with maintaining friendships and beyond that, I tend to become a target for scapegoating and gossip, especially in work situations. I’m married for 25 years and at this point he’s one of the last people

feeling bad

How To Overcome Deep Feelings Of Unworthiness

How to overcome deep self unworthiness? – Asked by gal from Ukraine I don’t think there’s a single answer to this question, but I can get you started with ways you might approach this.  First, by clarifying the question.  What are we talking about here? Some people are naturally more confident than others.  Some people


If You Could Elect Your Baby’s Natal Chart, Would You?

“Planned cesarian sections are becoming more common. What are your views about selecting the day and time for this type of birth by looking for good aspects and placements and avoiding tough ones?” Gal from South Africa My sister and I got into astrology when we were children.  Her first child was delivered be emergency


Invitation To Send Questions About Astrology & Life!

Mercury is conjunct my Mercury Mars in Libra.  Seems a good time to interact!  Got questions? I invite you to send questions on any topic. Astrology questions, philosophical questions, questions about personal problems, curiosities…whatever you’ve got, that you feel is a curiosity that would fit the blog. I love to challenge myself, but I also want


How Can Elders Deal With The Current Times?

How to navigate this next decade, as an elder? How can the current crop of elders (we baby boomers, including me!) make the BEST USE of the times ahead in America. I think our culture is changing so rapidly, some  days I want to hide at home (Cancerian here) and just chill and avoid all

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