
Topics on raising children

Is It Ethical To Elect Your Child’s Natal Chart?

As reported on John and Susan Townley’s Astro*News: The Telegraph of Calcutta, India reports: Birth-fixing to beat Mars – Astrologers, not doctors, determine time of delivery “…Over the past two months, more and more would-be parents in the state have been opting for “birth by appointment” – that is, manipulating the time of delivery to […]

My Pisces Lover Left Me Pregnant

Dear Elsa, My relationship with my Piscean man started off with friendship. I was sexually assaulted a year into our friendship by someone else. He remained by my side, and nursed me back from the brink of emotional collapse. Unbeknownst to me, it somehow involved into something more. We become involved in an intimate relationship,

zodiac elkes

Can A Person Learn To Be Resilient?

Half the people who answered the blooming poll stated they thrived wherever they were planted. I was thinking this was a desirable trait but after reading the many thoughtful and eye-opening comments, I’m not sure it’s that clear cut. I was thinking along the lines of the “resilient child” they speak of in psychology circles

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