Fake Popularity, Imaginary Engagement

CatfishThe internet has changed over the years. It’s gotten smaller in a way. The average user frequents very few sites on a regular basis. This has each of us seeing what exists in our personal bubble.

One way to transcend the bubble, is the share! I want to share something with you from my bubble. It’s this:

Living Comments is the ultimate AI comments and replies generator for WordPress, leveraging third-party API services. This plugin revitalizes your WordPress site by automating engaging, AI-generated comments that mimic real user interactions. Designed to enhance both user engagement and SEO, Living Comments breathes life into your comment sections, transforming every blog post into bustling hubs of discussion. With a seamless integration process, your blog will quickly become a lively community, inviting more time spent on-site and fostering a deeper connection with your content…

This site is built on WordPress.  “Living Comments” is a free WordPress plugin and there are more, like it.  I can install this software, in ten seconds, with two clicks.  Voila! Popularity!

I think this is good to keep in mind. This site has real people… but only if real people participate.  Sites like this fade away, every day, as the big companies want all human interaction to occur on their platforms.  It’s like the entire internet is a Catfish operation.

It’s worth thinking about this, at least a tad beneath the surface.  The generated comments will be designed to manipulate, sway, influence.  It’s very easy to make it appear, 80% of the (fake) people think a certain way about something, when in reality, the true ratio is inverted.  This means, if I put something on my site, I am giving access to AI, intended to propagandize my readers.

This is in line Pluto in Aquarius, for the most part. Manipulating groups of “friends”, via technology. I sure hope I can keep a site with humans.  I wish people liked humans, better. I think they prefer machines.

How about no?

21 thoughts on “Fake Popularity, Imaginary Engagement”

  1. Avatar
    James Slattery

    I agree with your sharp analysis Elsa. People are bigger and better than AI but we will discover this too late to reverse it all! While intelligent with logic, AI has no soul, values or morality and is another tool of control by whom?!

  2. Avatar
    Shimmering Light

    I have become very wary of images and writing on social media. I spot fake, i.e. AI images everywhere and block the user instantly or leave groups. AI will continue to ‘improve’ until I will no longer be able to tell the difference. In a similar fashion in astro groups people keep posting ChatGPT astro stuff, which is still easily distinguished from a human’s own effort.

    I pray there will still be real, human content left in the foreseaable future else there will be no reason to go online (not to mention fake news). Perhaps that will be for the better – go offline and engage in real world human contact?

    1. SL, funny how human contact might actually become ‘unique’…

      What prevents humanity from teaching ourselves and children now,
      to be adepts?

      To understand and utilize intuition-emotion beyond rational thought;
      compassion and developing skills in letting go; pattern recognition,
      becoming more at ease with ambiguity (wow, a biggie); and, above all, enhancing our frequency. (aquarian handbook outline?)

      …wonder how soon our ‘access’ to certain places, events,
      stores, organizations, will be based–not on money, power,
      credit, connections, reputation, or even, (merit); but,
      on our frequency?*

      Let’s see what AI will do
      with that…

      *from an article in progress, “Babylon Football”

  3. Wow what a choice for an image to go with your post: a catfish. The ultimate bottom feeder, and the visualization used by a young shy man (with cancer) asked to imagine a “creature” assigned to hunt and destroy the cancer within him.

    Many other cancer patients going through visualization sessions while undergoing radiation treatment imagined sharks, often. But this man remembered his pet catfish who he thought would do anything for the young boy. His treatments and visualizations were successful. He probably lives on thanks to both science and imagination.

    The thing is you, the real form of life-giving offer us ways to inform our soul’s unique journey with interpretations that switch our soul’s light to “on” and it make be quirky but just right for our evolving path.

    An old woman find my feet.
    Plant them here to feel the dirt.
    In real time.

    I keep coming back👍🏽

  4. Manipulating friends. So frightening because if you’re the manipulator you’re no friend. Do you mean to infer Pluto in Aquarius for friends will be like porn for men? Pseudo friends like Pseudo sex? No real connection, being in the void. Sounds lifeless.

  5. I don’t spend much time on the internet and social media any more. I find a lot of it is painful and jarring and a waste of time.
    I like Elsa Elsa astrology and a few other sites run by other similarily genuine and caring people.
    I am very focused in life now. There is only so much time in a day, a year, a lifetime. So streamlining my life means narrowing my focus to family, work and home. I have so many other interests, so am hopeful that reincarnation is real, otherwise I will run out of life before I can even scratch the surface of this one.
    Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon and Ascendant at approximately 29 Pisces.

  6. Some random thoughts in no particular order.
    I cringe when I post anything anywhere now.
    If Pluto in Capricorn hasn’t completely destroyed innocence, Pluto in Aquarius will.
    I used to like to post pictures on sicial media but at some point was completely overwhelmed with the sheer volume of photos everyone else was posting and stopped.
    Oh wow, thanks for posting a picture of what you’re having for dinner. (By the way, that was sarcasm)
    Same with videos. Now you scroll past a post and a video plays automatically with music that means something to someone, but just gives me a headache.
    I’m not sure how it gets better if the volume of content posted by the artificially intelligent goes parabolic.
    Its the same with streaming content on TV and gaming (which I know nothing about) At what point does the volume of content become meaningless?
    Maybe real people just get on with their lives?

    1. Avatar
      Shimmering Light

      Like your last sentence :-). My understanding is that Pluto in a sign always shows the shadow elements of that sign. Further to my earlier post I was wondering whether Pluto in Aquarius will spell the death of the internet and social media as we know it.

      Perhaps it is issuing a challenge to humanity as to its love affair with unbridled use and application of technology. It’s so tempting, is it not? But just because we can do something does it follow that we should or that it is actually beneficial for humans/humanity?

      I’m not a luddite and I don’t think we can do without technology but perhaps Pluto is showing us some of the shadow now, forcing us to question what we’re doing. And perhaps that’s just my wishful thinking.

      1. Great points, Shimmering Light!

        I would think that Pluto Aquarius will first expose the darker side of the internet and social media first, before the shutdown (no pun intended) begins.

        We are already seeing this on a global level, how overly dependent we are on technology, how social media contributes to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, how social media influencers now yield more power than any government, how social media has been so unregulated that any fake news can run rampant and reach audiences that are susceptible to darker influences, and how non-human bots can sway the masses with political agendas and ideologies. It’s got to a point where we don’t know whether we are engaging with a human or a robot.

        I logged on to a forum just now, and was curious about who was viewing – only to find there were only about three real people and the rest were all robots, who were viewing every thread and profile posted on there. Deeply concerning! I’m going to be very mindful about what information I post on there.

        Once we reach that point of no return, which I fear is now or coming soon, then Pluto may brutally rip out the plug altogether. I wonder if “Tech Lockdowns” may become a thing.

  7. twitter has become a cesspool of generated replies, and has put me off from scrolling through comments for the most part. i think this kind of action is gonna backfire and zombify the internet even more. another thing i’ve become aware of as well is the completely inorganic way a lot of infuencers and youtube starts became famous. they all actually know each other, or support eachother because they are ethnically related. the algo shoves a certain person in your face, until they becaime famous enough. Then they can have famous people on their videos, and the charade continues. For example that Lex Friedman guy. Talk about lack of charisma. But he was everywhere on youtube, even if I tried to block every video he was in, he continued to be on my feed. That’s when the spell broke for me.

  8. “comments that mimic real user interactions” – OMG,I guess I am really naive to be so shocked by this but I had no idea it was so widespread.

  9. Social psychology has shown through volumes of research, that people will do a thing, just because they see someone else do it. Even more powerful, when you question said people after they have done the thing and ask them why they did it, they will not say because they observed someone else doing it. Their minds will make up some viable reason why they did it and they are totally unaware of the fact that they did it just because they saw someone else do it (mirroring).
    But that’s the key. The mind does this. People disconnected from their emotions (e.g. the communication system of their soul) are very easily led, and controlled.
    Makers (and wielders) of social media know this. The most dangerous thing to those who would warp the mind to control someone, is an individual who has done the arduous, painful, harrowing work to reconnect themselves (their soul) with their mind. They have to face the fear of seeing their darkest parts and then seeing that the choice (and power) was always theirs. If they do this and decide to walk the path of the True Human Being (Lakota?) then they cannot be led, but are the wielders of their own power. One such person is a force. Now imagine legions awakening to this truth.

    This is an overview, but the gist of human potential.

  10. I used cash at the supermarket today. In my change, I got two Olympis themed collectors coins. One for each of my sons who collect coins. We won’t be able to do that in a cashless society… Not all chamge is good change. I, for one, think AI makes things rather dull. Not to mention how the entire world stops when Microsoft crashes… Just a friendly reminder that pen and paper can’t be hacked.

    1. “Not all change is good change…”

      give me a quarter and a message written in “cursive” in an envelope with chosen stamps on it, to give me a feel for someone I know.

      Thanks for this reminder, Anastasia

  11. A lot of this in the Uranus in Gemini transit. Pluto will split the grain from the straw for 30 years. Are your friends good? Is your family real? Do you belong to a community or are you totally alone? Does your country care for you? I guess homeless people already know a lot about true relationships.

  12. Human here, just leaving a comment that mimics real engagement, to put the robots out of a job on this one 😘

  13. “I wish people liked humans, better.”
    This is definitely a thing, sadly.
    Your post has kinda ruined the fun and engagement I’ve had with reading comments and learning new stuff or finding new, interesting links, but the sites I frequent are unlikely to install that AI generator, I hope! AI art is pretty atrocious, so I wonder what these comments will be like? Maybe I’ve already read them and had no idea I was reading them.
    Thanks for more food for thought!! It’s like we’re in a room who’s walls are melting around us until we’re standing somewhere we don’t recognize.

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