Hair Trigger Ahead Of The Eclipse In Libra

trapMy husband, with his Mars in Cancer, got sideways with someone in his family, yesterday.  He usually avoids this, but apparently he missed my Smashburger memo.   

The moon in Cancer is triggering Mars today.  This is the same Mars that will square the upcoming eclipse in Libra, which will be fraught, no matter what you do.

It’s also the same Mars that will remain in Cancer for about seven months!  See Angry & Moody.

It’s entirely possible to pick a fight this week, that will last the better part of a year.  I’m talking to myself here too, with my natal Mars & Mercury hit by this. I find myself wanting to complain about… oh, everything. For example, I was not happy with some customer service today.  This business always asks for feedback. Service has been satisfactory for six years. I’ve never had cause to complain, but now I’m going to nail this chick?

See the “angry and moody” here? Honestly, the service was not that bad.  But with Mars tweaking me, I have to restrain myself, rather than go into “slice and dice” mode… which is my shadow, by the way.   See, how it goes back and forth?  The service gal wasn’t really the problem.  My hair trigger is at fault.

This is the environment out there…lots of traps, ready and wanting to snap down and hurt someone.

We still have a Grand Trine in Earth, offering access to grounding energy.  But it will break up and chances are you will run into someone, projecting their rage, or just triggered, in general.

That’s a punji trap, picture. You step on it, the spikes are poisoned… recommendation here is to watch your step in the near term.

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5 thoughts on “Hair Trigger Ahead Of The Eclipse In Libra”

  1. That’s a good way of looking at it: step away from the live wire and maybe I’m even holding the live wire! Put it down gently and take two steps back.

    Now let’s see if I can do this when I need to 😅

  2. Grand water trine in play too, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces (plus Neptune in Pisces a bit further along) so a person can flow on that too. I’m finding that energy rather pleasant and harmonising.

  3. Natal moon at 12 degree libra, 8th house, but eclipse is in the 7th…..

    Natal moon square mars too, MC at 8 degree sag…. BF on a break, due to mommy related conflict. I am just glad I am not in physical nearness to him. I am not sure any of us could survive such a fight, especially now!

    If something in my career gets going, that’s at least a win!

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