How Did Your Family’s Social Standards Effect You?

kaleidoscopeI was talking to someone today with whom I had things in common. This is not specific to this one person, they just triggered my thinking.

I realized, my family was okay with competing.   I played cards, my sister played tennis.  She and I also competed in science fairs. I used to debate like a demon as well.

This suits my chart, of course, but what would have happened if I were from a different family?  Might I have been a Mars in Libra, people-pleaser on steroids?

I also think my parents being Aquarian was a help to me.   I wasn’t on a short leash, which was perfect.  How else could I move to town at thirteen years old?

I have a strong 8th house and the psyches in my house; all I can say is, woo hoo! I come from rich material on that front.

After talking to the client, I realized how very different I would be if I were from a different family. One with actual rules? Am I able to be an astrologer, due in part to my family eccentricities?

I’m good with my situation, but I wonder about other people’s experiences.  For example, kids who opt to go against parents who have a strong, fixed agenda for them often suffer quite a bit.

Did your family’s social standards help you? Hinder you? Something else? 

7 thoughts on “How Did Your Family’s Social Standards Effect You?”

  1. As someone with planets in 4th I often wondered the same thing. Would have been nice to be shown more affection and support growing up. Single parent household with no siblings, no relatives nearby whatsoever is not happy. (Although there are perks when you are far from their arguments I guess). I am a gemini sun, I crave lightheartedness and fun because I did not have it growing up. Capricorn moon. In terms of fixed people I know one leo sun square pluto and her parents were overbearing- she had to have the hobbies they wanted, to study at the university they wanted and get the job they wanted. Getting claustrofobic just typing that.

  2. I grew up with my refugee Grandparents across the street. I wasn’t allowed jeans til 5th grade. Grandma held a flashlight, at the car date, coming home. Needless to say, my sister and I hightailed out of state indefinitely. She used her brain,with ivy league colleges. I traveled extensively on cocktail waitress wages until I figured Oregon was far enough from Chicago. Grandma thought I was a drug runner when I went to Mexico for a winter. I returned and proposed to a drummer ,in a band, and set sights on Oregon ( met travelers and found Oregon on the map). The marriage flopped and I found treesitting ( old growth defense) and discovered natural world relief. I did that for long enough and met a guy in a van who offered sex. I got pregnant and decided that didn’t work for long term child rearing. Dad told me right away, he would not support me. There was no way I’d move back home anyway. I moved to Washington. I found government assistance, started sewing, wood working, landscape work and growing a garden. I definitely had to leave my families culture. It was intentionally displaced from it’s traditional culture- the old country. They were messed up from the aftermath of WW2 and hunkered into a lifestyle of TV and consumer Utopia. I’ve been referred to by one of my employers as a wild card. I accept that. Pluto ascendant trine 8th house moon, Saturn, Mercury. Uranus in the 1st in Libra trine Gemini Sun. My Dad and grandma had the Capricorn moon. My perspective of the two growing up were seriously stern with suffocating opinions for security and a pension. Now I see where the pensions derive investments – Israel . It really makes me sad. I’m glad I did it different.

  3. Also the prison system, war industry, chemical companies, and communitarian global governance are also pension derived investments, not just Israel.

  4. Yes, my parents had a very strong and fixed agenda for me. I was not allowed to have a say either, abuse, and it lead to near suicide, at 11. It affected me greatly.

  5. my parents and their respective families had some notable differences in values. which allowed me to realize i had a lot of choice, once i left…

  6. I totally agree about the family impact on our personalities. I remember when I started reading psychology book, then astrology books. My parents were not too happy because of their strict religious views. As I realized the hypocrisy I went ahead and studied them anyway.

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