How Do You Know When You’ve Overcome A Negative Aspect?

Vintage zodiac wheel“How do you know when you’ve made a natal aspect “work for you”? Or, How do you come out of the shadow of a not so great natal aspect?

We’ve all got good and not so great natal aspects and I’ve read “once you overcome the aspect you can use it to your advantage.

Are we even able to achieve something of this magnitude in our lifetime, or is that what our life is about? The eternal struggle?

Hi Shanna.  I don’t know that any of us ever overcome an aspect.  The AA addiction model seems more accurate.  Did my Venus Neptune square slip on a banana peel today?  No? GOOD.  Did my Mercury Mars conjunction eviscerate anyone? Yes? Crap.

I edited your post for clarity, but you mentioned you have a Venus Saturn conjunction.  Did you tell yourself you suck today?  No? GOOD.

As for making these challenging aspects work in a positive manner, it’s about finding great ways to express the potentially negative energy. Like this:

Did I treat the other person with compassion (Venus Neptune)?
Did I write a blog post that was clear and effective (Mercury Mars)?

On your end, I think you are in the beauty (Venus) business (Saturn), yes? If so, that’s a positive expression.

In all three cases, if you and I do these things, we are “out of the shadow” as you say.  We can create these kinds of habits, but from what I’ve seen, most everyone finds themselves on the wrong side of the line, yet again!

Let’s think about it.  What are the odds, I never go off with my mouth again?  You never fear rejection again? I never suffer a lapse of judgement? I’d say the odds are low. Why?

Because we’re not Gods, that’s why.  We’re humans and we’re fallible.  So I think it’s a life-long challenge, but if you suffer enough backlash, you can get pretty good at it.

Are we even able to achieve something of this magnitude in our lifetime, or is that what our life is about? The eternal struggle?

Theoretically, the struggle can go on for the rest of your life. But in practice, many do master their garbage, or at least some of their garbage, often with help from the transits that come along.

Let’s say you have three trouble spots. You master two of them but need to be forgiven for the third. I think a scenario like this is most common.

Good luck.

What troubling aspects are you trying to overcome or work with?

11 thoughts on “How Do You Know When You’ve Overcome A Negative Aspect?”

  1. You have the most amazing capability to put complex concepts in logical context. This makes so much sense to me. Thank you.

  2. Great questions, Shanna. I appreciate the perspective you led with Elsa: the AA model of addiction. It’s a lifetime habit worth living. My Scorpio/Capricorn aspects that may just be there to remind me to promptly (as is possible) admit to debilitating myself so I can go make some art to draw me up and share it, dramatically! I have Leo.

    We aren’t gods. Right. One of the finest gifts I got from an Alanon friend was the God Can. When I start edging god out I write that (whatever) on a scrap and put it in my god can.

    I really liked your examples of the Astro Bads retooled! Thanks Elsa.

  3. I was wondering the same thing! Are we stuck with fighting to overcome a bad aspect? I have the worst of all aspects a Pluto Saturn conjunction at the base of my yod.. For the last couple of years transits and eclipses constantly hit that point. The obstacles are endless, I must try harder that anyone else, I find myself back in square no1 too often and when I ask I never receive. A beast with many heads..

    1. Can relate somewhat…cap rising with saturn square pluto in a t-square. Back to square one is always the case. Huh, a pun. Hang in there. At least with such aspects one is better prepared to handle ‘the suck’, the hardships. We’re an asset during difficult times I think. That doesn’t mean it’s right or that it’s of much comfort to be constantly thrown at the ground. Least I can say I know how the mud tastes so my honey will be even sweeter. I hope you find it in yourself one more time to not give up. To not give up on yourself.

      1. It’s not an aspect for the faint hearted for sure. Saturn wants to keep the current structures but Pluto wants to transform. One cancelling out the other constantly. Struggling to make things happen but it’s true once achieved the victory is ten times more satisfying..I sometimes am tired of starting over again though.. the aspect is very karmic. thanks for your encouraging words

  4. It’s true we manage these for life but with life comes wisdom and experience so my favorite saying is AWARENESS Is our greatest gift. If you are aware of the tendency these aspects cause that’s half the battle. And some aspects have a positive way you can play it out. Like my Neptune I can spend half my life escaping thru drugs or alcohol or I can go higher use it for spirituality and my gifts of that nature. Saturn just wants us to do the right thing. So if u have that u better direct yourself in the right direction or he will keep throwing curveballs at you. Pluto energy I’m still figuring, he is about growth so sometimes we just have to go thru the lessons knowing we will grow and transform and be better for it. My Saturn debilitated my venus mars thru square and I did not marry and had challenging relationships but I hear once you mature and are older this aspect is more forgiving. But it’s one that is a daily struggle and the addiction needs my awareness daily also.

    1. That’s so true.. as jung said that once we are fully aware of and accept our dark self it no longer controls us.. as for Saturn pluto conjunction in natal I have no idea what appeases them. Neptune is more obvious as to what to do or not, ironically, than Pluto/Saturn. What I have learnt so far is that I have to get what I want on my own. No one is going to open doors for me.. it has to do with being assertive I guess and empowered from within.

  5. “I edited your post for clarity, but you mentioned you have a Venus Saturn conjunction. Did you tell yourself you suck today? No? GOOD.”

    Hahahahah. That “you suck” voice is going off in my head 24-7 like an exploding volcano.

  6. I do not know what the fuck is good about a 12th house Mars. I don’t. I had an entire Pluto conjunction transit and I have nothing. Same piece of .. coward.

    1. Spiritual warrior comes to mind.. don’t try to channel mars’ energy the same way as in rulership positions. If the spirit is weak nothing can make you brave

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