Kathy, The Boy-Girl: Ying Yang- Gemini Sagittarius Fun!

SagittariusThis is for pure entertainment. Kathy the boy-girl is and was a beautiful, very talented, Asian woman. She was/is a reader of my blog and a client. We became friends, when she moved to my town in 2003, which is when this was written. We still work together, all these years later.

“The AMF” was my boyfriend at the time.  Stellium in Scorpio as you’ll see.

No editing.  This runs and it’s supposed to.

I went out with Kathy the boy-girl last night and she is starting to see that she really is like a man. From my perspective this is! And with here third house (Gemini) packed with Sagittarius, what could possibly be more “interesting” than a different perspective?

So anyway, all that Sadge is yang, as is the 3rd house. But she also has a Leo Moon (yang) in the 11th house (yang). So you can see she is over the top on this front and in contrast to me – A super yin type, save my Mars Mercury conjunction which will definitely cuss you out and perhaps beat up your car with a bat, if sufficiently provoked.

Now I don’t think either of us would act so near our respective poles with other people. For example, if Kathy was with someone with more of a yang nature, you would probably see more of her yin side and vice versa with me. But as it is, when you put us together…well it’s just extreme. And she doesn’t see it, though she’s beginning to. Mostly because she constantly shocks me with her raging hard-on behavior and I simply have to comment. The first time I mentioned this was a couple weeks ago. We were on the phone.

“You’re such a man, Kathy. Jesus.”

She roared. “Oh Elsie, what do you mean? I’m not a man,” she said.

Being yin, I let it drop. But three minutes later, we were discussing the message board where I posted, which led her to my blog, which led her to contact me for a consultation. And it turns out she was in contact with another woman from that board…

“Yeah!” she said. “She’s jealous!”


“Yeah! Because we’re friends. I’m hanging out with you. We’re hanging out.”

I didn’t answer. I was just amazed at this.

“And I told her, that’s right! She’s mine!” she said all aggressively. She was shouting. “Elsie’s mine! I got her! I got her and you didn’t! So there!”

I snorted. Here I was a notch on Kathy’s belt? Who knew?

I laughed but I didn’t say why. Sort of like a woman amused at a man’s ridiculous testosterone. Silly, silly boy.

To be continued…

So last night, we met for dinner. Thai food, which is “home” for Kathy.

“Well, you definitely act just like a man,” I said. “It amazes me. Going out with you is just like going out with a man. A good man, though.”

“How’s that, Elsie?” she said with her Kathy-grin.

I clenched my fists in a body builder pose and mimicked her voice. “You’re comin’ with me, Elsie! I’m takin’ you out!” I barked. “We’re goin’ somewhere!”

She roared.

“And you called me today,” I said. “l like setting up a date. Are we still going out, you asked. Well yeah, I said. And you said, Okay! I’ll call you back and tell you where we going.” We both laughed. “But it’s not like you’re a lousy man. You’re a good one. Thoughtful. Unless you think of somewhere you want to go, you said. See? I can have a vote. If there is somewhere I want to go, that’s fine, but otherwise you’re going to take care of this. And I am going to let you! Because from my perspective, why bother? You’ve got this hard-on so I may as well relax and let you do your thing.”

She roars. “I have a hard-on?” she asked.

“Well, yeah. And we get in here (the restaurant) and what do you do? “Let me help you order, Elsie. Let me do this for you. And I’m sitting over here, thinking what the fuck? So you order. And I let you. Go ahead, Kathy. Figure it out. Fix me up. And I just sit here…”

She laughs her ass off.

“And believe me, if I were sitting here with anyone but you, I would order my own food, you know. I know how to order food, Kathy…”

She banged the table with her hand and laid her head down, choking on her laughter, so I moved in for the kill.

“And what about outside? We meet in the parking lot and what did you say?”

“What?” she asked, poised to laugh at herself.

I raised my voice to a Kathy-squeal. “Oh, Elsie!” I said screechingly. “Look at your toes! You painted your toes red,” I said.

She snorted.

“Just like a man! Don’t you know that’s what men do? It is! When they’re on a date, they always find something about you. The ones that get laid do, anyway. They find something to like about your appearance and they say something. Oh honey! Your hair looks so good. Is that a new broach?”

At this point, she’s got her head laying on the table, heaving with laughter. Her whole body is convulsing. Mine too.

“They try to notice something about your appearance. They act just like you. So anyway, Kathy, yes. As far as I am concerned, you’re a man…”

After dinner, she orders dessert and proceeds to wolf it down.

Being girlish, I defer as if thinking, “Dessert? Who me? No, thanks. Everyone knows it goes straight to your hips…”

Last week, I asked the AMF, “If I like male energy so much, why do you think I go for yin men?”

“They have a dick,” he said.

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