Love In A Vacuum: All The Intensity, None Of The Horror

bug zapper

“I have good boundaries in relationship but besides that, I enjoy the alchemical process that can only occur in a vacuum. I tend to run with similar types. People who want to be in a closed container to some extent.”

I wrote this in a post from 2009 – Venus Square Pluto and Relationship Triangles

Sg responded, “I would love to read a post that goes further into this.”

I have a packed 8th house. I enjoy depth and intensity. I can’t say I’m into pain! The 8th house is concerned with exchanging energy. Ultimately, I seek transformation.

People have their preferences.  There are open marriages for example. There are men and women who do nothing but hook up with serial cheaters. They hit their burn via relationship triangle?  This is not my deal.

I prefer to interact one on one.  Anything more, dilutes my experience.  To understand from my perspective, imagine being in a room with one other person.  It’s you and them and it’s intense from the get go.  Think about it you.  Are you attracted? Not attracted? Can you get a long with this person? What if you can’t.  This gets my blood pumping, immediately.

Now imaging the same room, but there is a third person.  Now it’s complicated. Now it’s messy.

Will all three get a long at the same level in the same way. Impossible.  One might try to gain advantage by siding with another “one”. One wants to get rid of one other… just on and one with these machinations which feed some, but spoil the purity I’m looking for.

I mentioned my 8th house, but my Libra also prefers one on one. Not in pain. Not into betraying or being betrayed.  I like the pure synergy that constellates in this type scenario.

People like me find each other.  For example, I was two apartment doors down from my home when I met my husband @ 17 years old. My neighbor opened her door and invited me in for a beer. I stepped in her apartment, the young man (19 years old), stood and offered me his chair. From that moment on, there was no one else in that room.

NPCAnother example. My father and I at a card table, from the time I was seven or eight, until I was a teenager.  We played against each other (poker, spades, hearts) or with each other (pinochle). There were other people at the table but they may as well have been grayed out as I was always watching him, sensing him. He was doing the same with me, whether we sat across from each other or otherwise. Believe me, the other players tried to break this but it was impossible.

Less you think I’m describing an attraction, it wasn’t that at all. My father had a lot of power – I needed to steal it from him, if I were to ever get out of his clutches.

This is exactly what happened. It’s also the reason the card-playing story is my book. My (Virgo) editor discerned, this is how I got free of my father.  I didn’t know it or see it at the time, but he was precisely right.

I go for purity. The messy situations hold no appeal for me.  I go for the heat-seeking missile, every time. Too add to that is to take away, sort of  like putting garlic in spanakopita!

My husband once told me, together we become a bug zapper. Cool to look at, but get in the middle us – ZAP!



3 thoughts on “Love In A Vacuum: All The Intensity, None Of The Horror”

  1. What an interesting insight into energy exchanges. Makes me wonder about myself. I know how I am at one level but beyond that … 🤔.

  2. Yeah. My partner and I are that way. He pull the focus on carburetors,fork lift silinoids, tractor tire repairs, kabota tank goobers, etc…… so there I am, standing there focused til completion. I still don’t have my car brakes repaired, I’d love to clean out the house and do a goodwill drop.

  3. Hmmmm.
    Speaking of energy exchanges…
    Whenever – at least up until this point – I get with Scorpio the situation you described with your pops and/or ‘the room’ happens.
    No matter if it’s male or female; friend or family or lover, we form a bond which is impossible for anyone outside of us to break, separate or even understand in many cases.
    There’s a security in this bond to.
    A safeness from all interlopers and other assorted scalawags n strumpets lol.
    And since I’ve got a Taurus Sun in the 8th (mutual respect w/Scorp on the cusp of the 2nd?) my life itself is transformative.
    And when the Scorp is onboard I feel they serve as catalyst or kickstarter to me opening up and stepping into my highest potential.
    Honorable mention goes to Capricorn in this way as well…just not as intense.
    Maybe cause they’ve got their own mountains (Saturn) to climb/conquer.

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