Lunar Eclipse In Pisces: Sept 17, 2024 – Onwards & Upwards!

Pisces koiThis special full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces will take place in the evening on September 17th @25 degrees.  The moon will conjoin Neptune and square Jupiter.

Jupiter, Neptune and Pisces are all associated with religion and spirituality. I expect this eclipse to open hearts and minds (Sun in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini).

I see little chance for anything negative with this, assuming you avoid scary (Saturn) narratives (Mercury).  Saturn will be opposing Mercury at this time, so you’ll have a choice to make: go with grace, optimism, transcendence, as described by the eclipse?  Or invest in negative thinking?

There’s no real threat with this eclipse. You want to be open to grace and perhaps a shift to higher ground.

If you take this approach, the Mercury Saturn aspect will benefit you in that it’s grounding. You’re not likely to get mixed up and think irrationally.

The idea you can feel better tomorrow than you do today, is not irrational! It’s hopeful and that’s what you want.

Be open to possibilities. Leave the closed (Saturn) mind (Mercury) business to whoever wants to think that way?

I have many reports from people stating they can already feel this energy. I believe them, because I can feel it too.

Look for veils to drop and the truth become visible… in a way that does not scare or disturb you.  It’s almost like waking up into knowledge, that’s left for you by the ethereal. It’s comfortable!

We’ve had this whole clashing mess in the Mutable signs, for more than a month.  This a great way for this period to end.  To make the most of this, be open and receptive to that which is uplifting and inspiring.  Expect to benefit!

You can see the chart, and further discussion, here.

How do you feel about this full moon?


22 thoughts on “Lunar Eclipse In Pisces: Sept 17, 2024 – Onwards & Upwards!”

    1. Don’t invest too much in fear, because the likelihood, what you’re scared is going to happen, happens, is probably EXTREMELY low. In other words, I bet it will be just fine.

  1. while wholesale genocide is taking place since last october we watch it on the media and worry panic stricken about an eclipse and will it rain on our parade

  2. I can’t wait for this to pass. It conjuncts by 1 degree my Saturn and midheaven. In my work life everything is in the process of being gutted, hopefully clearing the path for o emerge stronger. But boy oh boy, it’s been a lot. Extremely tough and I keep waiting for another shoe to drop. I’ve had so many responsibilities it’s been hard to keep track of it all.

  3. I jusr realized why my BF’s sister and mother is so darn awful jealous and why they have been treating me like they have during the entire relationship with my BF.

    It’s kinda like “truth hurts – yeah, but the truth was hurting you already”
    … I would rarher know from who and where the gun was pointing at me, and duck, than being gunholed dor more years to come!

    I actually feel sorry for them (Pisces?). I can even empathize with them, and why they feel like this.

    For the sake of it, I will share our story… BF and I met some years ago on SoMe, and hit it a year later. Then COVID came and we stuck it out together.
    The whole time I felt nervous/unsafe/walking on eggshells around his mother and his sister made me feel… like I had to be in such and such way to even get their attention.

    So, fast forward to august and my mother in law just verbally attacked me when I was having a difficult time, and she launched a verbally abusive tirade on me.
    Neither her husband (who was there) or my BF did anything to stop her. My BF has apologized, but his dad didn’t say anything. She is such an angry woman, with so many heavy issues.

    My Aries 3rd house is pissed off, I didn’t get to defend myself, as I was in shock when it happened + I was trying to respect his mother at the time, in respect to his relationship with her.

    Oh boy…. My Aries 3rd house is PISSED OFF for good reason and my 3rd house Eris have probably thrown in the golden apple in the family. I call BS if any of the parties try to overlook what she did. Then I will be throwing a hand grenade.

    So basically, I did know she didn’t like it. I just didn’t know why. All on the subconscious level of course. But my spidey senses haven’t been wrong – I was just too slow to realize it before she had a chance to go ballistic on me.

    Now I know what’s up with her game, and I take no more crap. By-bye!

  4. I’ve been working on solving a mystery. Gathering info while laying low which has been a bit of a rollercoaster in itself. Hoping to see some kind of info revealed for good or ill. Just looking for clarity. We shall see.

  5. That’s a lovely write up! 🙂

    I have been noticing odd synchronicities in the past couple of days, in the lead up to the Eclipse.

    Mostly in the form of meeting people on a vacation (Jupiter), and finding out they live in a neighbouring town (Mercury) from you!

    Or the kind of right-place-right-time scenarios, when you get chatting to someone and they happen to be a expert in an area of life you are having difficulties (Saturn) with, so they provide the exact information (Mercury) and guidance (Jupiter) that you need 🙂

    It’s the kind of scenarios where you ask, what are the odds! It’s happened a lot this week 🙂

  6. Higher Ground…. Yes Elsa leave it to you
    I love that term… song… and I say yay to lifting up …each and every one… don’t wait for the other to go first… Shine your ever loving light… Start now
    Time is a wasting….

  7. The eclipse is in my 10th house which I am excited about and hope to see my professional path building in really great ways. I am definitely feeling the eclipse, and what has become odd in the past 24 hours is that life has become silent which is not my norm. Little to zero calls, texts, emails and very little traffic on social media. I had a nice chill time at an outdoor event last night connecting with some old friends…. the silence though, is anyone else is that space too?

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