Full Moon in Capricorn Square Neptune: June 21, 2024

happy goatThe Neptune affected full moon at 1 degree Capricorn will take place in the evening on June 21, 2024. It will be the first of two full moons in the sign, as “sophiab” explained here.  This full moon seems impossible to predict or call one way or the other as Neptune in Pisces, tightly squares the sun and moon.

This tells me, there will some kind of duality with this.  Winners/Losers, for example, but it will be entirely possible, if not likely, you win as you lose and vice versa. I’m sorry if this hurts your brain, but we’re talking Neptune in Pisces here.  It’s not going to be straightforward.

Reading this new moon is made even harder by the fact it opposes not just the sun, but Venus and Mercury in Cancer. I feel the Cancer/Capricorn opposition spells stress, then Neptune comes in with fog and confusion.

I am not trying to conjure up doom but I am concerned about this one, because Cancer and Capricorn are security conscious & Neptune dissolves. “Kryptonite” comes to mind.

I have Capricorn, so let me speak for myself here: this is bit too tricky for me to be comfortable.  But I’m not into self-undoing so I will be guard against that. I’m not afraid but I do think this will be a freaky passage, worth preparing for and here’s why…

A full moon in Capricorn square Neptune on top of Saturn in Pisces really will incline a person to slip on a banana peel into despair.  Please have your boats ready for this one!

If you look at the chart, you can see the strong opposition.  Think about balancing that.

It seems possible Neptune can help with this… help you feel your way. Feeling your way through an iffy situation may not sound fun, but panicking will be much worse. I just don’t think this is something to play with.  How could it be, when a person’s security is involved?

As always, if this full moon T-square hits your chart, you’re likely to star in this drama, but really, the conflict dominates the day. I don’t think it will pass unnoticed.

I chose the picture because the goat looks like he just took two hits of Neptoon.

How do you feel about this Neptune-affected full moon?

29 thoughts on “Full Moon in Capricorn Square Neptune: June 21, 2024”

  1. Full moon conjunct my Venus. I don’t really expect to get what I want bc that bro consistently disappoints me so maybe I just accept he’s a disappointment

      1. So the thing is after my accidental heart attack last month I decided I wanted to reach out and send him a postcard so I googled to see if I still had a good address for him and that’s when I learned he moved again in November 2022 and he is now living 4-5 blocks away from me. So this was a big Uranus shock and also a Neptune veil drop bc I had thought I’d seen him around my immediate neighborhood at least a few times since last spring and thought I was just having overactive imagination. Partly I feel like I experienced some face blindness bc of masking and now sometimes when I see someone without a mask that I think I know but I’m not sure they could just look like the person I know 🤷‍♀️ so I just figure we all have some doppelgängers running around causing mischief
        But last summer I thought I saw him jog past me when I was coming home from errands and now I know 100% it was him and not some kid from the high school track team. And a day or two later walking home one night I found some chalk etchings on the corner across from the cemetery down the block. They were voudo Veve to Papa L
        I’m not sure if these things are related but I have reason to believe he’s dabbled in other magiks.

  2. I appreciate the heads up. We need to go slow. We need to expect the unexpected today. I had a big truck and trailer pushed me off the road. It was on the corner. I understand. Big trucks need both sides of the road. Those pulling trailers out of tidy roads well you get the picture, I’m just happy I stopped in time so I like warning lights. I don’t know about this. I’m appreciative. I have more stuff on my list at six months hospital rehab. And I’m not trying to be all doom and gloomy. I am Capricorn all the way however, Saturn will retrograde. I think that means the signs are less visible with the music is too loud something like that.

  3. Darn little Mike “truck and trailer out of Tiny little road”,” I have more on my list Than !!6 months in hospital rehab” sorry comedy
    Usually doesn’t come off good for
    Me, but growling, people usually understand fast, but I am trying to be light and fluffy

  4. Weird early signal, maybe…? Almost exact Mars sq Pluto today, basement lights exploded and electrical panel required hard reset for power to two circuits to be restored… dunno, never happened before with circuit breakers….

    2* Taurus a sensitive degree in my chart, unsure why…

    1. Also, unexpectedly, went to pharmacy, for a friend who had dental surgery today…

      Ran into lady from work… she has been subjected to same treatment as me, by the “male-focused” environment. IT is very hostile to women…

      Some surprising, and sad, validation of my own experience

  5. I deleted my entire Instagram/Meta content on my profile yeaterday. We are talking 7 years of posting, aprox perhaps 4-500 posts and pictures.


    This month, Meta has announced they will begin using the users’ pictures as AI training materials.
    I don’t think they haven’t done that already, now it’s just ‘official stealing’ with our consent.

    We can post and objection, but in reality, I don’t think it makes much of a difference.

    So, at least I came prepared to this full moon. Capricorn is my 12th and 11th house. This is classic SoMe skirmishes to me.

    My BF has his Ascendant at 1 degree cap, and his birthday the day after, and he has the Sun in his 7th house. I guess he will feel the effect into his solar return too, and he will probaby need some grounding for this summer, methinks.

    1. Avatar

      If you have their app installed on your phone they track everything. Even if fb is closed and logged out. Even if you are using private browsing.

      1. I know. Two years ago I deleted all my FB activity since signing up in 2007. That was A LOT of data… but now they don’t even know my real birthday. The only hurdle is, for various reasons I am forced to use FB to use their group chat settings. A-holes. So, yeah, they see what I write and exchange, but I try to limit it as much as possible, even if I’d rather use another platform, my family members won’t *sigh*

        Also, in settings you can choose “Force Stop” and even if it won’t remove your app, it will do just a tiny bit than only deactivating it.

  6. Reading you all gives a lift to my concerns; we all have troubles,
    Don’t we? As we all will get thru
    Or around the soooo close
    Feel of Arghhh! Why me? It’s not my turn!!
    It’s a merry go round, we all are on a horse.thanx Elsa for putting
    Eyes to the skies!

  7. The new parliament in South Africa will be sworn in on Friday, minus the MK Party, who are boycotting it, because they are contesting the elections, believing themselves to have garnered a larger percentage of the vote… although they have not submitted or presented convincing supporting evidence in a timeous manner or otherwise… One person will be there representing them, whose membership they have contested… They represent part of the governing ANC who have split off… There have been veiled threats of violence… There has been a lot of contestation about the “Government of National Unity”, which is really just a foil, offering all parties an opportunity to share power, when actually the coalition that finally forms may be unpopular with many, considering, it seems, over sixty percent of the population believes in/are being mislead to believe in socialism or communism, which almost certainly is not the way forwards for the country…. The radical left and the previous opposition party, the DA refused to work with each other… How do you like the timing??

  8. Avatar
    Kelly Thompson

    Direct hit to my 2 degree Jupiter in cancer in 7th at the head of 5 planets in Cancer (well 4…SN is there) 6 degrees from my natal mars in cap in 1st.
    No idea how this may land.

  9. Lots of low degrees
    Mars Scorpio 1*..house 2
    Neptune Scorpio 2*.. house 2
    Pluto 2* house 12
    Moon Cancer 3* house 10
    Venus Capricorn 5* house4
    Beginners mind

  10. This is going to hit my axis hard… 0 degree Libra Rising with my 1 degree Cancer/Cap MC/IC… my Gemini Sun is being squared by Neptune currently as well…. I’m actually worried 😟

  11. There will be 2 full moons in Cap this year. First in 1 degree Cancer. Second in 29 degree Cancer. An astrologer said this could mean the beginning and the end of something related to Capricorn. In a full moon in Cap, the Moon oposes its cancer domicile. Emotions are trapped in cold unemotional Capricorn. Looks like an emotional roller coaster.

    1. That doesn’t make any sense. The moon will leave Cap for Aquarius as always… and the collective mood will shift, as always.

  12. I was born with full Cap moon and Cancer sun square Neptune, but in Libra then. My daughter’s sun is on the empty point in Aries. This hasn’t been easy, but it’s gotten better with time.

    Natally I live my Cancer (cooking, flowers) but was ambitious for congenial work.

  13. My sister passed Wednesday night. She was a Sun Capricorn 2° which squares my Jupiter Libra 1° in my 8th house. Her passing is a blessing as she was in a nursing home for the last 5 years with many health issues, and her passing was fast and merciful.

  14. 12thHouseMars

    I don’t really trust my 12th house since pluto was there. The full moon will be two degrees away from my Neptune.

  15. This full moon is an exact conjunction to my natal north node in the 12th house and inconjunct my sun by one degree.

  16. I think it could be good. Natal Uranus at 0 Virgo trine/sextile full moon opposition. Natal Jupiter sextile Neptune.

  17. In 2016 I was going thru a breakup of my LTR and someone propositioned me. I shut him down for several reasons including that he was supposedly happily married. I told him off and cut communication. The other day he emailed me and sent a follow up yesterday morning. He apologized but apparently still wants some kind of relationship 🤷‍♀️ and I’m just kind of 🤦‍♀️🙄
    This is what you mean by winning/losing at the same time. Like this dude could possibly meet some very real needs I have now but at what cost to my integrity if I am not particularly interested but I’m not getting my needs met by the person I would like and it’s just a cycle of someone getting taken advantage of. But for real he was pretty much trying to take advantage of me at a critical time so how the turntables is fair play

    And the guy that I talked about in a previous post, I saw him at the grocery store Tuesday and had a brief conversation

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