My Mother Has Died

My mother died at 10:36 this morning. My sister and I would like to thank you for your generous support over these last weeks. It’s helped us tremendously and we’re very grateful.

I want to let people know that I’m going to be lying low until after Christmas. I have written a number of posts ahead so you’ll see them load whether I am here to attend them or not. If there are any problems, please contact satori.

Thanks again for all the love and support and best wishes for a Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

177 thoughts on “My Mother Has Died”

  1. My condolences to both of you and your families.
    Lie low and take care of you and yours — we’ll keep the lights on here.

    My heart to yours. 🙁 *SQUEEZE*

  2. It makes me glad to see all the love that Elsa & Annalisa inspire. That is a real thing- nothing virtual about it.

    Lots more of that love from me to you and your families.

  3. Sending prayers Elsa, for you and your family. I’ve always loved this saying:
    “Tonight, when you look up, don’t think of them as stars. Think of them as porch lights, welcoming your loved one safely home.”
    It makes me think of all of the others up there they will be joining and looking back down on us, our loved one not being lonely at all. Peace.

  4. I’m so sorry to read this, but I guess there has to be a time for grieving in life. I’d so much like for your Christmas to be a better one. The only thing I can tell you is how grateful I am for the great work you do on the web. I never start a day without reading the latest AstroDispatch. Take good care of yourself and your family. First things first.

  5. I know how this feels from not so very long ago and well understand the need to be quiet, not to engage.

    Much love and blessings to you all.

  6. Elsa and Annalisa…..I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you love and assurance that your mom is at peace now… more suffering.

    Elsa, you are a sweet girl….I was on the phone with you yesterday and you lifted me up about my new business and never mentioned this. You are a quiet sufferer too…..we were both suffering for different reasons, and at much different levels, yet you kept yours quiet to me… have such grace in difficult times.

  7. So sorrowful for you all, thinking of you and wishing you inner calm, peace and gentle space to process all that comes up at a time like this, although nobody’s time is like another’s, I do hope that you know how very very much you are appreciated and cared about xx

  8. The light of your mother’s love will shine through you always. It is a transition unlike no other. Love and light to you and your family.

  9. ((( Elsa & Annalisa))) I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your monther. Peace be with you and your family. ((love)) c.

  10. Elsa and Annalisa,

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish there were something more that I could say, but my thoughts are with you both during this difficult time.

  11. I have been stuck by how honestly and directly you have been able to discuss the issue of death on your site.

    Your strength in dealing with the tough issues has been an inspiration to me and I am sure to many on this site.

    Thank you.

  12. So sorry for the loss of your mother. People who have not lost a parent are incredibly supportive and kind, but this is one of those things that one really doesn’t understand until it happens to you (and you don’t want those with parents to know what it is like for a very long time)! Don’t know about your dad, but with women loss of one’s mother is huge. Sorry to have to welcome you to that club, but therein you might find the most wisdom. Take very special care of yourself!

  13. I am so sorry to hear this. I hope that your mom is at peace. I am thinking of you Elsa, Annalisa, and your family. Sending you my condolences and support and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

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