Pluto In Capricorn – Collective Depression: A New Low

bowl of cherries prettyPluto is concerned with the collective. Capricorn is associated with depression.  I started writing about collective depression in 2015. Clearly it’s come pass. I’ve updated this post several times over the years.

Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn on  September 1st, 2024. It will station direct in the sign on October 12th @ 29 degrees. Finally, it will leave Capricorn, not to return for near 250 years, on November 19th.  Time to have another look.

The last time I posted this, in 2022, I tacked on “A New Low”.  Will this period be a lower, low. I’m betting yes.

This doesn’t mean you have to fall into depression. In fact, Saturn in Pisces might help you avoid this, but you’ll need to be cognizant. Plan to keep your bearings, at least this is what I intend to do.

gig workerFor the record, it’s not what I want to do. That doesn’t matter, I think it the smartest way to go.

My thinking, is if you fall, you may have a heck of a time getting back up.  Take is slowly, easily, carefully, Capricorn-style, one step at a time.  Be the guy who makes it ‘cross, not just for yourself, but for the people who love and need you.

This is the old post from 2022, with updates bolded.

As I mentioned on the radio with Robert, I think the ceiling is being lowered on us at this time. I definitely think it’s controlled and I’m going to cover this as soon as I can muster up the stamina. The slow crushing seems undeniable so I’ve switched my focus to considering how a person can best thrive in their current diorama.

~  I still feel the ceiling is being lowered, in part due to rising costs, but there are many other vectors of attack.  Matter of fact, I can’t think of a single angle where we’re not being targeted.  This is a blitz… that has been sustained!

You can also see, I’ve stuck with my plan, which was essentially, to read the room and adapt.  This is been an excellent strategy for me. I judge this by how I feel… I feel quite good, in spite of being quite a bit of pressure.

I’m an expert at such things, as is my husband, who is a retired Green Beret.  As part of his qualifying, he was sent into the woods for two weeks, with nothing.  Bad situation, right? A lot of people crack in this phase; they come find you in the woods, at the end of the period.

They found my husband, a Taurus with a Scorpio Moon, lying down under a canopy he’d fashioned, with some material for a pillow. He had a fire going, right next to him, so he could cook the three types of meat, he had, while reclined. He was happy and comfortable, lying there, grilling his lunch. They were pretty shocked.

This is what’s possible, when you opt to survey your circumstances and figure it out.

I still think this is a valid model.  Some people deal with things better than others. It’s not about competing with the other guy, at least that’s not the case for me. I care to be useful. I care to help and I can’t do that if I’m on the floor.  I want to be someone who deals with hardship,  or at least tries.

This idea has morphed into the card playing analogy.  You’re dealt certain cards. It doesn’t matter if you like them.  If you want a good result, play them to the best of your ability. 

Here’s this from 2015 – lots of info.

Pluto In Capricorn: Collective Depression

Specific to the 2024 time period, here are some ideas that might alleviate suffering…

The idea you’re living history. The idea, you’re not hearing about it secondhand, or reading about it in a book.  No one needs to tell you, you were there!  I think this angle will keep a person, present, which is the way you want to be, in the middle of a war.  You’re having an experience, Jupiter-types!  Your ancestors did this, Cancerians… etc.

Offer other people support if you’re able to.  It keeps you human and might allow the person suffering, to feel human as well, and seen.  Most never regret lending a hand, but do grow to regret not pitching in when they could have.  

It’s about doing the DEEP right thing.  The right things that comes from your core as opposed to all the frivolous bs you’ve picked up over the years.

Most importantly, trust your instinct. I’m talking about you true instinct, your REAL instinct, not something derived from… fruit of a poison tree.  You want to mind your heart and your gut.

I think people can make big mistakes here and many already have.  My goal is let this be the end of my stupid mistakes. Not sure I can achieve this, but by God, I’m going to try,

While I’m at it, I think I will pass on “suffering” as well. I think this is realistic, for me.  Throwing it out here to give those who are like me, an idea.

Curiosity can also motivate you.  Don’t you want to see what’s next? If the answer to that is yes; keep a cool head and maintain your health, both mental and physical. I wouldn’t isolate though. People no longer trust strangers.

Do you recognize this sentiment as associated with Pluto in Capricorn? How are you coping? Have you thought about how you might transition from “coping” to “enjoying your life”?


19 thoughts on “Pluto In Capricorn – Collective Depression: A New Low”

  1. Thanks Elsa. For sure. My dad did survival training / schools. Once in the snows of Nevada, and once in the Jungle. Great story about your husband.

  2. When Pluto enters Aquarius the resurrection of the resilient individual begins. Alpha males who previously have been demonized between Pluto in Leo and the present – will become esteemed.

    1. I hope you’re right. This attitude lately of supposed “toxic masculinity” is retarded. We need our strong and capable men. And when I say that, I mean REAL biological men.

  3. I’m looking directly at Saturn in Aquarius re: current energetic climate. Vibrationally even the most self aware person becomes steadily overwhelmed by the toxic sludge of the unexplored shadow of collective consciousness. The propensity for carpet sweeping in the last 2 years of difficult and painful emotions that have long kept groups bonded is not helping matters at all. We need a collective colonic asap, perhaps Pluto will oblige?

  4. Choices, choices, choices. You create your own reality. No one is “doing” anything to you. You have attracted what you continue to think about. If you want more sad, lonely depressing things to occur in your life…keep thinking about that. If you want joy and fun, think about what is satisfying that is right in front of you…a cute dog, a beautiful sunrise…etc and give up the trying all the time. Your thoughts have power. If you keep believing the worst is always around the corner…it will be! If you believe you are an infinite being and your experience is what you make of it, then you will care more about how you feel! And when you feel good, even when it seems like there is nothing to feel good about, you will attract more feeling good…Law of attraction: feel good first, then more good feelings come. Feel crappy and deny the beauty around you and you attract crappy, ugly experiences. It’s not an easy shift, but it’s worth it. You get what you think about so clean up your thoughts and NEVER blame yourself or others for anything…you attracted it, so care about how you feel and remember only love for everything that happens to you, even the bad stuff, because it shows you what you don’t want. Be thankful and satisfied in every moment and the universe will deliver more satisfying moments to you. More about this manifesting and law of attraction on Abraham Hicks publications website. (These are the people who inspired Rhonda Byrne to write “The Secret”) TONS of free, quality content from them on YouTube also. It has changed my life to learn this info. Hope this helps anyone who is ready to hear it.

    1. Indeed. It’s impossible to uplift others by bringing oneself down. Instead I choose to flourish no matter what’s going on around me.

      “You can’t get sick enough to help sick people get better. You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive.”

      ― Esther Hicks

    2. The balance in this is that there is REAL unnecessary suffering out there in the world that has not been “attracted”

      …please keep the balance.

  5. Elsa, guess it is a hard bottom line Capricorn Energy? I have a 10th house Sun, and Saturn at 29Cap. I might whine, complain, moan, but eventually I get to the bottom line and start to deal. Great Post btw. I may be depressed however.

    1. If you’re depressed, it’s deep (Pluto). Also whatever dark forces you’re dealing with… it’s sustained (Capricorn).

      When I originally wrote about this, I wondered if we go down and the up, but it’s been a relentless descent. 🙁

  6. I’m good. Sometimes things happen, strange things, people throwing their things on you as if they want you to be something to them…and you’re not, eventually disappointing them. I am learning all the time. Anything that feels like coping, I just believe it will pass.

  7. Hi Elsa, good to see this post! I am a Capricorn trying to build a business in this crazy market where few want to work and those that do only want to come in for a certain amount of hours a week. it can really put a damper on spirit, but I keep drudging on. If you threaten to fire them for not coming in, they are okay, because they’ll just get on unemployment, nonplused by it all. One of my employees, a man, said he needed the whole week off because his nephew was being baptized and he needed to make sure his place looked good for all the family coming in. I love working and look forward everyday to go. It keeps me somewhat sane and out of trouble. Because if I wasn’t working, I would be up to trouble. I feel that God made me a Capricorn to make it through tough times and to be an example as well for my children. I have narrowed my focus and harnessed my attention to where I have very little social life, which I thought would be difficult with a Libra moon, but I have really spent more time on trying to overcome some of my own fears and inabilities by learning more. I always read your blogs and love how you can zero in on something with such precision and at the right time. Thank you!

  8. This is a great story of dealing with your life as it presents itself, right now, making the most of what you have, taking the time to assess what that is and how to make it better. I love the canopy, the fire and the food ready to be cooked (so Taurus Ha! – Taurus Asc here, love it!) This shows the resourcefulness of the bull and you said your husband has a Scorpio moon, well there’s survival instinct doing its best. Yes, depression (pluto in Capricorn) this is not an option, it would just finish me for sure. My family, who I care for deeply, are ‘students and patients’. I have to make it work, for them, for us. I have a plan A, B and C. Capricorn sun here with moon, saturn and north node in Aries. Have to fight my way through my personal situation while being determined not to give in to the desire to hit out at those trying to make things difficult for us. Love your work and blogs Elsa and love your seriousness as much as your humour. Wishing you Elsa, Satori, all who work with you, your family, your on-line community, your neighbours and all those whose lives you share with us – a very much needed Happy New Year!!

  9. Catching up on posts.What a thoughtful one here! I am also dealing with this changing reality, spending time honing my FAITH (Saturn/Pisces,I have Pisces Ascendant.) It’s getting me through! I’m reading the room,too.. as yu say.. and see that times are what they are! AND as you mention, the bigger picture is, we are LIVING HISTORY. It is an unpredictable,yet exciting time, in many ways. The chaos of the past few years have honed us (me,anyway)and I am stronger than I used to be in ways I never dreamed I would have to be.But that is the task.And I am up for it.

    I have a husband to love and live out my elder years with, and I want it to be deep and good and real.I face facts.I face aging, I face the difficulties all of us have been through since 2020. I am a survivor.

    Cancerian, my home is my fortress. My friends are my tribe.I am spending energy on making my home as comfortable as I want it to be.I am cooking for my friends,spending time with them. I rejoined the church that I was raised in. (Catholic, yes I have dramatic differences regarding dogma and other stuff but I miss MASS and Sacraments)

    I’m exploring new ways of being in this world: pursuing art,writing the novel I always said i would, and more travel.
    My spiritual practice is : KINDNESS. People are so raw, so wary, so tender. (Sometimes, Me,too!) but we can support one another,sometimes through very small acts of kindness,so why not??

    That’s my approach as we move through this time….

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