Saturn & Neptune Retrograde In Pisces: Lazy Days Of Summer

arizona tubingSaturn in Pisces clouds reality.  Most days, I take at least one phone call from someone who is not sure where they are at.  I think it’s smart to call, because I can almost always place them on a map and dispel the confusion.  The cool thing is, most times they are doing very well, they just can’t discern this because of these transits (and the massive gaslighting).

I feel Saturn and Neptune retrograde are relaxing in the sign.  If someone pulls a knife on you; that’s Mars.  You have to act.  But if you’re good right now, I think you can relax. No sense launching into self-undoing!

When I describe this to someone, I think of tubing… not white water rafting. I’m talking about sitting your butt in a tube, tied to your friend’s tube, tied to an ice chest a full of whatever you like to drink. Meander on your way, passing time.

I offer this visual. I am the dark haired girl in the hat. The girl on the left was my best friend and the man is her boyfriend.  We were tubing, came to a slow place in the river and stopped for a spell.  I feel this represents where we are at this time.  There’s a pause on some level.

For long time readers, it was this girl’s father who held a gun on me, for hours, in a bar, when I was fifteen years old.  He allowed me to go to the restroom… sending his wife with me to guard me.   It was a room with one toilet, she came inside with me.  I was sitting on the toilet, when she pulled a gun from her purse and pointed it at me… and then at her own head and then at me…

Point being, the girls in that picture had freaky lives.  When you get a chance to relax, take it!

3 thoughts on “Saturn & Neptune Retrograde In Pisces: Lazy Days Of Summer”

    1. It was surreal! I had seen her father in action, when he walked into a bar wearing a cowboy hat (in Arizona). Some drunk dude, shouted, “Yeee haw! Ride ’em cowboy!” My friend’s father glanced at his body guard, who grabbed the dude and cracked his skull on the pool table. I witnessed this, so…

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