Saturn Retrograde In Pisces Obscuring Real Progress

Saturn retrograde in PiscesYou may wonder if you’re ever going to get out of this sinkhole.  The answer is, yes!

Visible progress is hard to come by with Saturn (and Neptune) retrograde in Pisces.  Chances are, you’re gaining ground. It’s just not apparent!  Consequently, you may imagine you’re failing, when you’re actually on track.  Trying and failing, even fake failing, weighs heavy on a person. Next thing you know, you feel like this elephant!

In reality, there is much to be learned from the negative space. This time is as important as the time you spend, running full speed ahead. It just creates the illusion, you’re a loser.  I strongly advise against taking that on board.

You must have faith. Jupiter is aspecting Saturn and you are receiving an education.  If you have to be trapped in a sinkhole to manage this, oh well!

Keep in mind, what you learn under Saturn transits, stays with you a long time. We’re all wrestling with our beliefs (Jupiter) right now. I would not shirk on this, as what you believe, affects your life, profoundly.

I admit, most of us are held back at this time, but why? Take this time to answer that question.  What knowledge (Jupiter) do you need, to move ahead?

If you really work on this, you’ll quickly realize, you need every bit of time that’s been allotted!

How are you faring with Saturn retrograde in Pisces?

11 thoughts on “Saturn Retrograde In Pisces Obscuring Real Progress”

  1. This was good to read. Thank you.

    Saturn is Rx in my 6th, and since the spring, I’ve been working to finish a big writing project. It has gone much more slowly and jerkily than I hoped or planned. Delays, blocks, confusion, lack of inspiration and feeling-quality, you name it.

    But just last night I realized: in these past months I have become a genuine working writer, and I’ve learned to structure my time to support my writing as the main aspect of my work life, going forward. So… very Saturnian.

    It’ll be intriguing to see what Saturn direct brings to build further on this foundation. Having natal Saturn Rx in Aries in the 8th (conjunct this week’s full moon), I like Saturn Rx times… but I’m also looking forward to the direct motion!

  2. We’ll get ahead because the days are getting short and it don’t take long to get pretty far down the road because you’re running and it’s dark and you’re scaring yourself to death wooo hooo
    you might even get to skip a couple meals put on a funny old suit stuff no other way to look at it

  3. From that stand point I consider the change of seasons here from dry summer to fall and wetter times an opportunity to fold up my tent, find her a dry place so she doesn’t mold during the winter, and care tenderly for my aging body who still creates, yet does it differently in winter.

    The tent is my shop where I display my wares and tell the stories. The Saturn retrograde is happening in my 2nd House of values so as you say I need this time to figure out just how to find the flow and get in my boat.

    1. And, Jupiter aspecting Saturn makes sense too. Na tally Jupiter and Venus are in tight conjunction in my 11th house; my longtime long term dream and beliefs are to create social adventures sharing what’s working for me.

      The retrograde gives me that time to puts the clues together.

  4. Dealing with relationships. After the death of my uncle in 2021 and my father this summer, my siblings (3) and cousins (7) are a huge part of my world, and not in a romantic, let’s have family dinners and reminisce and koom-by-ya together. More like a vat of pig mud and 11 people wrestling with severe animosity to the others. No one is getting to the edge of being out; someone is going to yank them back in. Transit Saturn in the 3rd. I’m examining my part in this, which has been a pretty painful process. I want out. I can’t compete with nastiness. I don’t care about the money, the property, the family photos. These are not my people, these are not my values, and I can’t wait for the day I no longer have to think about any of them.

  5. Wow. Yes. Plus, what say you about “the world” just giving that message out, loud and unclear? Which feeds the feeling of not getting anywhere?

  6. The Jupiter-Saturn square crashes into my daughter’s Sun-Mercury-Pluto opposite Saturn. This transit is very rough on her. She’s actually doing quite well but with Saturn, it’s all obscured. (She doesn’t have anything in Pisces.) She’ll feel better once Saturn is out of Rx and moves on to Aries. Saturn will be in her 7th and she may finally meet a good man for her.

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