Saturn Square Uranus: Details For The Rest Of 2022

uranus glass coasterWe’ve been dealing with Saturn square Uranus for nearly two years but the planets have separated due to retrogrades. This square will heat up this fall.  That would be now.

Here’s the stuff you’re probably looking for…

By August, 2022, the planets will lock up again.  Degrees around 16-21. See how it’s contracting?

October, 2022, is when the next peak takes place.  The planets will spend twelve days squared off @ 18 degrees.  If you have planets between say… 14 to 24, this is something to note.

November, 2022, is still tense. Degrees range from 16-19 which is still tight.

December, 2022, the planets will be 5-7 degrees apart.  This is still a significant square but it’s also fading out at this.  It’s wrapping up.

Beginning of January, 2023, Uranus will be retrograde at 15 degrees. Saturn will be direct at 22.  At this point you may still be experiencing a Saturn or a Uranus transit but the planets won’t be acting in concert.

Got planets in the mid to late degrees of Fixed signs? How are you faring?

28 thoughts on “Saturn Square Uranus: Details For The Rest Of 2022”

  1. Thanks for these dates Elsa. I’m currently in a personal “lockdown” situation – your use of the word stimulated a sense of aha. This is the second personal “lockdown” period since late last year. In between there was a short period (a burst) of expansion and freedom, although my psyche was perhaps not ready to sustain it and I’m back to personal lockdown again. It’s similar to the first period but prob slightly different, ie there’s been progress internally. Im not referring to the collective lockdowns here, but they are entirely relevant and I went and looked at what happened mandate wise in the UK on the dates of the first 2 exact squares. Interestingly there were both new restrictive mandates announced alongside abolishment of older/previous restrictive mandates. Thus it was speaking to the contradictory energy of the planets involved. So this may well be a quality of the next square coming up. I’m currently playing around with how to transfer the theme of collective mandates (imposition/abolition) to how Ive historically imposed personal mandates in the form of ideas about myself (my identity) that act to restrict my ability to be myself. These externally influenced ideas, based on misunderstanding, are so ingrained it makes it hard to recognise their existence. They are devastating to having a positive relationship – to myself, then to others, and to life in general. There’s a lot of prejudice. Although on bad days I feel utterly stuck and frustrated at my circumstances, I am trying to keep recognising that these feelings are the result of ideas… ideas that can and need to be transformed (they’re out of date, weren’t based on reality). Perhaps this resonates with your recent post about doing the thing you think you can’t do or being the person you think you can’t be? It’s looking at the original ideas that formed a structure – identity, sense of what is possible, and breaking on through. Astrological, I’m a Taurus 24*.

    1. So thought provoking! Thank you for your reflection Sophiab. I’m particularly struck by your statement, “although my psyche was perhaps not ready to sustain it and I’m back to personal lockdown again”. I’m really sitting with and contemplating the importance, as I’ve come to understand, of breaking through enough — not over-reaching or over-extending and also not resisting or holding back — and then especially allowing for a reconsolidation after a breakthrough so that the change can be sustained. Such a helpful read…

        1. It’s good to read your comments Michelle. You reminded me of the importance of recognising these experiences as a process, with ebb and flow. That there is no need to rush, and that we are being carried in a positive direction, despite parts of me protesting and suggesting otherwise!

          1. So we’ll spoken. I’m Sun Aries so I know well the impulse to rush and leap…only to fall on my face or freak and freeze (lockdown?) because I became overwhelmed, wasn’t prepared, too much too soon, etc. So hope I can ready myself and allow for breakthrough – then pause for integration.

    2. Hi Taurus 24 from another Taurus 24, with a Leo moon 21, and Scorpio Jupiter 28.

      I am doing exactly the same thing–a personal lockdown.

      It is also the second time in 3 days l have heard the messages’What we think is what we are’.

      Thank you for this.

      I hope you find what you are looking for. Me too.

      1. Hello fellow Taurus 24* – waving- is your lockdown seemingly circumstantial, ie. feels beyond your control? What are your ways for coping with it? I’m trying to focus on my feelings, energy and how these impact the quality of my thoughts, and keep me feeling trapped. Beyond these fixed thoughts is freedom, imagination, creativity (life) but when I believe them to be real, and all pervading i’m stuck again. The current Virgo and Gemini energy seems to help in the reflection and assessment process of ways of thinking.

        1. Hi sophiah,

          My lockdown is chosen because if l didn’t choose it, it would be forced upon me. I manage ME/cfs, so lockdowns often happen to me in my world.

          The illusion of control helps (It really does),but change happens. And when it does l adjust–l don’t fight it anymore like l used too.

          Neptune is helping Taurus 24s right now.

          I throw an I Ching daily: a point of reflection on the ‘here and now’.

          I have learnt to work with my limitations too. If l don’t–payback.

          Can you give expression to your planets in houses? My sun is in the 3rd, squ. Leo Moon 6th hs.Jupiter Scorpio 9th…trans Saturn 12th. I try to balance the energies my making them real in my life.

          I don’t know where you are…can you make contact with nature? Try standing on the earth–shoes off. Just feel it.

          Accept being stuck (for now).

          Try not to project too far into a ‘possible’ future. When l do that,and l actively try to stop myself–l can become fearful, esp.if my mood is off.

          Do you draw? Or doodle? Try making something.Or growing something…plant a seed and wait.

          Do you journal? You write beautifully.

          I write poetry and short fiction. The creative takes time too cook. I have learnt not to force anything.

          Yes, Trans. Mars in Gemini is in my 4th house…reno’s have started. Slowly. A local bloke is helping me. He said, that fixing my house would become his hobby. He is such a Gemini!!

          I wonder what will happen when Mercury goes retro.?

          This site has helped me too. Lots.

          Thanks elsaelsa.

          Bounce off me if you want to, sosphiah.

          Everything went Bang!! during the May eclipse – well it did for me…and then new things came into being…maybe they will stay, maybe not.

          I hope you feel better soon.

          1. Thank you for all your positive suggestions! I agree that Neptune is an important energy for the 24* Taurus atm. Turning to spirit is essential for me right now, definitely being pushed inwards. I do like contact with the earth and with trees especially. I am journaling alot too. I’m a writer/editor for a living.

            1. Yes, l relate to the inward journey. A necessity.

              Thought you might be connected to something literary … ME/cfs makes me ‘foggy’ and messy, can’t see my own mistakes.

              What country are you in?
              I’m in Oz.

              Let’s see what happens next with all of this.

              Good luck with it all.

  2. In for an interesting 6 months as I have mars/sun/mercury in Aquarius from 16-21 degrees natally squaring Uranus in Scorpio at 19 degrees.

  3. 15 Leo Sun and 13 Leo Mars.

    Here we go again.

    By the time this peaks and passes, I will move and leave my home state. My kids are moving out in the fall.

    Not looking forward to packing again, twice in two years lol.

  4. Fun, fun, fun!!! I have Pluto 12 Leo, Saturn 15 Leo, and Mars 20 Leo; plus not sure if you get into North Nodes, but mine is at 14 Taurus. A gi-normous T-square is created between Aquarius to Leo, squared by Uranus in Taurus and the NN.
    One thing I’ve noticed in my life is that CHANGE became a very operative word. As you can see, my Pluto-Saturn are only 3 degrees apart. So my entire life has been one of “nothing being normal”. But I love all the transformations, even the heart-breaks! It’s made me who I am.

  5. It’s my moon in scorpio which is square chiron in aquarius – from the 2nd to the 5th house – that is being hit. Uranus opposing from the 8th. Not scared, I’m gonna make money from my creative work and Uranus means mainly opportunities and ideas, the times when Uranus transits unsettled me are long gone. Transiting Saturn is sextile natal Saturn, that should help with staying on track. And anyway, it’s ok to get lost in the right direction. Life is not easy and I look forward to Uranus leaving the 8th but after all, I’m a Sagittarius, if life doesnt deliver challenges, I’ll create them. 🙂

  6. Ive got the saturn / uranus square squaring my natal saturn uranus square, and making one big grand cross…on the angles of my natal – 16 scorpio ascendant.

    I would describe the feeling of this as being pinned down from all sides with no room to deflect responsability. which seems to be activating some kundalini, and a bucket load of hunility.

    bit scared of driving though, esp as the south node is currently on my ascendant too.

    Is anyone else out there experiencing this?

    1. wheere are you oh lady with the taurus asc on the opposing angle…hi if you’re there. let me know how you’re doing x

  7. Yep, feeling it intensely! MC 19* Taurus, Venus 16*46′ Aquarius. I had what felt as a temporary breakthrough in July – I felt catapulted to a new, better, different reality during a month long trip. And then, as Uranus slowed down and turned retrograde, and Saturn got closer to squaring my midheaven, I felt like I literally crashed into the ground. Awful feeling, as if I was flying and then everything came to a halt – very, very, very frustrating. I “live” in a city now where I don’t feel like getting out of the house (speaking of personal lockdown!)… and I’m basically just trying to keep going somehow day by day and plan the next steps, until the breaks are released and I can partially move to the location I visited in July. It feels like the universe just hit the breaks really hard and everything feels heavy and frustrating… It sucks to be honest 🙂 But I’m hoping things will move forward eventually…

    1. This resonates with my experience, Frida. Hang in there. My sense is that if you reach a certain ‘frequency’ eg. the place you felt so positive, then no matter want happens, no matter if it all seems to unwind, that part of you remains in that frequency and its a matter of time before you regain it fully. It’s about having the conviction, faith if you will, to continue through the restrictive phases. The conviction comes from inside, it’s heart and soul based, not mental, although the mind can be trained to listen better. Nothing external will usefully speak to this journey.

      1. Beautifully said – thank you for sharing your thoughts and support, Sofiab! My best to you as well. I love this: “My sense is that if you reach a certain ‘frequency’… that part of you remains in that frequency and its a matter of time before you regain it fully.”

        I have multiple friends who are experiencing unusual levels of frustration lately, so there really seems to be something in the air.
        Interestingly, a man that I met in that other location (when Uranus was almost at my MC), who is experiencing tr. Uranus over his Venus in Taurus, just chose someone local (Saturn – security) over me (Uranus – long distance, different, very Uranian chart). At least that’s my interpretation and I’m very curious to see how that pans out when the transits are over 🙂 Rooting for Uranus to win, haha.

  8. I am in personal lockdown as well. Have felt that way since the end of 2020 due to a health crisis. I have not been able to work since then.
    I currently have Uranus squaring my Venus 16 leo; Saturn 25 Aquarius; Pluto 23 Scorpio. My progressed moon just entered Scorpio in November.
    To be honest, this year has been the hardest of my life so far. And the years preceding this were very difficult as well. I’ve experienced 10 deaths between friends and family since 2018, a miscarriage and most recently my dog passing away suddenly of a seizure on Mother’s Day.
    All of the physical/emotional/mental health issues put a lot of pressure on my 8 year relationship with my partner and I made a very tough decision to move in with my mom in June to heal.
    Except the “healing” has been similar to a kundalini awakening. It’s been 6 months so far of purging emotions and stored traumas. Heart palpitations, heat waves, insane nightmares, insomnia, anxiety attacks, crying for hours on end…. Ive felt soul crushing pain that I never thought was possible. Asking for it to end and yet knowing that all of this is happening for a very divine reason.
    To say the least, I have strengthened my relationship with spirit, my mom and have reflected deeply on the ways that I’ve lived my life thus far. I am spending a lot of time alone, learning to love myself unconditionally and find forgiveness towards myself and others for the ways in which life hasn’t turned out the way I planned or had expectations for. I have been leaving the house very seldom and have barely been driving my car.
    I pray every day that this process is helping me for my highest good, even though it feels like I’m in the trenches and my nervous system is on blast.
    God bless all of you and we will make it through.

  9. does the energy of these squares last for 2-3 years? it would make sense as the first square hit my sun to the exact degree Uranus at 7 Taurus. My sun is my asc ruler and my 2H. Finances just collapsed. I have been on a personal restriction ever since. The other squares hit close to mars which is my mc ruler. Life has been a misery ever since. I still feel the energy affecting me and I hope 2024 does not carry the energy..

      1. isn’t uranus supposed to liberate you from everything that holds you down? It’s been transiting my 10H since 2015 but since 2020 I am more dependent on others than ever. work and finances are non existent the past few years..

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