Scorpio Man In New Relationship With Libra Man

Dear Elsa,

I’m a gay man who recently met a Libra man who is two years older than me (They are 55 and 57). We communicate well, joke around and have very similar dietary and exercise habits. He is much more calm than I am which balances things out. My question
is that he seems aloof at times and very into his job and caring for his dog and is a homebody.

Any advice on how a Scorpio should understand a Libra man besides just chilling and letting things take their course?? Thanks!!

Scorpio Man
United States

Dear Scorpio, letting things take there course is always the best plan. General tips for Libra – well they love to partner. Once partnered they can relax and it sounds like this is what this man is doing.

You also specifically state he is balancing things out which is the job of Libra. This means if you act one extreme they will typically act the other but if you do too much of this (Scorpio manipulating), you risk pissing off the Libra which is always disastrous. Because while Libra does try very hard to be pleasant, if you get one to blow, you can expect a bloodbath.

Good luck

Anyone else?

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11 thoughts on “Scorpio Man In New Relationship With Libra Man”

  1. As another Scorpio gay man who had a big thing for a Libra, I learned a lot from the whole experience. Even though learning to gain more balance on my own wasn’t an easy lesson, it’s really helping to make my life much easier and more enjoyable. I definitely can relate to the whole appearance of aloofness — that’s a hard thing for us Scorpios to deal with, when we’re used to our Scorpian intensity.

    So, you’re right on with chilling and letting things take their course. The biggest suggestion I have is to watch out for those moments where you’re inclined to push or control things. Take the time to look at what’s causing that urge to push or control — it’s always about ourselves and how we interpret others and the world around us.

    Also, take a look at your interpretation of your partner’s aloofness. It’s reasonable for people to have interests that go beyond a relationship. In fact, it is impossible to be the object of another’s attention all the time, so it may be a matter of learning how to give him the space he needs and finding those other things you still enjoy to give you the balance you need. That way you’ll be less inclined to push or manipulate because no matter what your partner does, you’ll always be able to find the things you need to enjoy yourself.

  2. “Because while Libra does try very hard to be pleasant, if you get one to blow, you can expect a bloodbath.”

    Sooooo very true. 😀

  3. Wow. Great advice from everyone!! As a Scorpio I have been agitated that he likes long periods (the work week) of “space”. I tend to be somewhat intense. A friend mentioned “dropping my temper like it’s hot”! I am taking that advice, for sure. It’s a learning experience for me. He runs somewhat “hot and cold” as far as expressiveness which I’m not used to. He’s very physically passionate and I really relate to that.

  4. I ended the “whatever it was” (have been advised that was not a relationship), this past Monday. The man’s aloofness intensified and the elected 70 hour work weeks seemed to have a sacred quality. Oh well…I can sit at home and get the same amount of attention from my plant plus not waste money on gas for the 50 mile drive or have the plant answer cell phone calls during dinner out!!

  5. I came out to my best friend at 12.I know that is very young.I was so scared that she would not talk to me anymore,but she’s still my friend.When I turned fourteen I met this beautiful girl at school she was a capicorn which was great for me,we have been together for a year and things are great.I told my mom I was a lesbian and she still loves me.I thought she was going to put me because I had a friend that told she was bisexual and her mom kicked her out.I’m mom didn’t do,I would have nowhere to go.

  6. Larry, I’m sorry to hear about the end of “whatever it was.” On a brighter note, there are signs that may be a better match in passion and intensity. Try Taurus…

  7. I came out to my best friend at 12.I know that is very young.I was so scared that she would not talk to me anymore,but she’s still my friend.When I turned fourteen I met this beautiful girl at school she was a capicorn which was great for me,we have been together for a year and things are great.I told my mom I was a lesbian and she still loves me.I thought she was going to put me because I had a friend that told she was bisexual and her mom kicked her out.I’m glad my mom didn’t do that to me.I wouldn’t have no place to go.

  8. NYC Girl, Thanks for the nice comment. I did some more reading about Libras and one comment is that treat people like a part of a collection in their lives (He has an extensive collection of primitive art standing on a table). Dating a Libra was definitely a bewildering experience and like dating two people (one I liked and the other I didn’t).

    I have been involved with Taurus before and definitely a passionate intense match but never seems to click outside the bedroom.

  9. Just my last post. Elsa stated at the very beginning that Libras like to partner. I didn’t realize that they like to partner at any cost! He did mention that he was out of a 7 year relationship 5 months prior but I mistakenly assumed that the message was that he was ready to move on. I didn’t know that what he was setting me up for was a rebound relationship. In essence I was what would be decribed as an escort without the escort pay (dinners, day trips and non-sexual cuddling sleepovers). It all makes sense now that I know what is was, especially the lying around quietly on sofas for hours, which I found bizarre. I was a human pet to be kept around during the mourning period!! Live and learn!!

  10. there is this girl that likes me alot and i’m getting to know her more and i’m starting to like her and i’m really not sure because i didn’t like her just as a friend now its different.should i go out with her?

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