12 thoughts on “Scorpio Reading The Signs”

  1. I have Aries Rising so Saturn in my 8th now. It seems Saturn/the universe wants me to stop punishing myself for past sins.

    The universe is saying, “You’re human you made a mistake or five, but that was years ago. You don’t have to pay for those things forever!”

  2. Scorp weighing in here and I will admit I am one who believes there are signs everywhere. However, not every sign is for me and not every sign is for you. For the example in the vid, five people breaking up with their husbands may just be a sign that there is that kind of energy out there and so be aware of it and don’t get snagged in someone else’s problems, or make their problems worse. If a sign is telling you to take some sort of action, you will KNOW it, not wonder about it.

    I know a woman who broke up with her husband just because her best friend at the time had her marriage collapse rather dramatically. I think this woman thought she could decimate her marriage while the heat was on her friend’s trauma. Long story short, the woman who initiated her marriage breakup is still fighting in the courts with her husband, five years later, the kids are traumatized, etc. etc. and the woman whose marriage did fall apart had everything settled and squared away in three months.

    Needless to say, these two women are no longer friends.

  3. Elsa, I think this might be exactly what I needed to hear right now. By the way, I love your videos, your voice and hair is awesome.

  4. I think the Universe/Great Spirit is trying to tell me to be honest over where I want to be in the next five years. I strongly feel God wants me to be happy! And God knows for this to happen I need to be happy in my “career” or “vocation” as you call it. A part of me wants to follow music but a part of me thinks that following a different path abroad will lead to a life long happy affair. So if I merge the two that would be great. I am still trying to understand the information. All I know is that God wants me to MOVE AND TAKE ANY OPPORTUNITY I CAN GET! That means — if I get accepted abroad take it despite family’s misgivings, take it despite debt incurred knowing you will pay it off later, etc. I can read it Elsa. Thanks for helping me put it together as I go (gemini here). And I already knew it but it was at the back of my mind.

  5. ….thanks @conoco – I needed to hear that <3
    ( aries rising too )

    …and thank you elsa for being a great saturn figure to me this year 🙂

  6. This hit home for me.

    Saturn in my first house is really telling me I need to express MY true self (hard work!) and that decisions I make should be based on that.

  7. Learning the responsibility of power, status and public image, which can be difficult for this Scorpio Midheaven. Letting go of control ling outcomes is so hard…

  8. Avatar

    Aries rising here also 🙂

    Soooo many people i know are having kids..but that band wagon can wait at least another year now to pick me up.

    Saturn return is telling me to stop being the victim..stop procrastinating, & letting myself get down & out over things in my life that are out if my control. To go out & make some new friends. Get out of my comfort zone.

    & I need to stop wearing so much black! …lol

  9. I’m learning that if I want to live the life I want, I have to develop better habits, better mannerisms, more initiative, have inner strength, less fear, and more self-confidence.

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