I have Mars (sex drive) conjunct Mercury in the 9th house (expansive); my Mars runs free. I have a nearly constant awareness of sex and an accompanying urge to have some. My sex drive is much like a man’s (as I understand it) because I sort of scan around all the time, having the sex appeal of others register inside me.
At times it’s intense enough to be annoying. For example sometimes I go in the gym and I’m distracted by all the men who look good in there. I am distracted with desire to mount them as they pass by when I would really like this kind of thing off my mind. It’s like having your lower chakra always on and I have been wondering lately about other people’s experience, with the astrology attached.
For example, what it you have Mars attached to Saturn, rather than Jupiter (9th house) like I do. Does this mean your sex drive is squelched? Do you repress your sex drive the way mine is irrepressible?
Or alternately, is your sex drive even worse than mine because it is restrained? So which is it?
Where is your Mars and how is it aspected?
This Uranus/Pluto square hitting my Aries Mars is murder on my sex drive. It’s been really, really horrible. I’m hoping I’ll bounce back before I’m an old lady and all my eggs have died.
Hi! First time I comment…I have mars conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Sag three degrees from Mars and one from Jupiter… sex drive ever present!
I try my best to transform my sex drive into something creative becuase if I didn’t, it would be something procreative. There would be a lot of little Heroes running around the earth, which doesnt sound bad. Except I wouldn’t be able to pay the child support.
Mars conjunct midheaven
i was thinking…shall i say something or not? i am glad you did. drive is *motivation*, not necessarily realisation. and the blocks, within or without, to realisation are a whole other ball game.
perhaps its just a matter of semantics…i see a lot of that. there is not real disagreement often, in the end, just different word definitions.
oops, that was for MJ82
Thank you!! i love your blog! sorry about what happened in your community. So much pain for all those families. Terrible loss of life.
Mars in Cancer in the first conjunct Sun & Venus. I wouldn’t say I’m always “on” but its more trouble than I care to say not because of my drives but other people’s reactions..
Jupiter & Moon sextile Mars.. Saturn quintile Mars. Pluto quintile Mars. Mars trine MC.
Mars is my 11th house ruler.
Great topic! Ive got Mars in the third in Pisces, Sextile Saturn, Trine Pluto and Jupiter. Lets just say that my sex drive is ALWAYS on (although that might just be because im a 22yr old, red-blooded American male lol) and I am always flirting with everyone (Mars 3). I disagree with Saturn repressing it, in my experience Saturn makes it worse! The only sign as sexual as Scorpio is Capricorn, amiright? The old bastard is as randy as they come! It makes the art of the conquest serious business, and nothing to mess around with.
LMAO Hero! That made my morning, thank you! 😀
I voted the second one down (cut a break now and again) as I have mars in my 1st conjunct merc. If someones a real bore, I’m out, lol! But get me around a smart witty person and WOW!
Lol, well re saturn (as I mentioned earlier, I have it widely conjunct mars in the 8th) and they do say “saturn in the 8th = strong sensuality needs restraining”. I always wondered where they got that from, but saturn doesn’t always cool what it touches in my experience, does it add delays and frustration? For sure, but maybe it also makes it all (our desires) that much more serious!
Lol @ AstroGeek 😀
MMM… nice topic!
Elsa, my 1st H Mars in Gemini conjuct 1st H jupiter in Cancer! need I say more? Ok, Aries Moon square Mars in Gemini… need I say MORE?? OK, Aries Moon trine Venus in Leo and square Uranus in Scorp. :)) i think of sex very often 🙂
hmmm…I’ve got Mars Aquarius in the 5th house and a Scorpio Stellium. I can turn it on and be more than happy to have zee sex morning and nite, but I can also turn it off totally.
My husband was very ill before he died… so from the age of 36 until I was 48, I lived a celibate life and focused on raising my child alone.
I’ve had 3 relationships since and have made up for lost time. 🙂
Mars in Capricorn in the 8th House, conjunct Venus, Sun & Mercury, trine Uranus, Pluto & Moon, sextile Chiron. Super aspected.
Scorpio Stellium…it controlled much of my youth but not in a trampy way…I always had a one and only. It was fun, I enjoyed it. But, I promise no matter how much you love it or think about it….hormones will def change it for you.
I really wish when I was younger I didn’t have that in my head so often. I could have accomplished so much with that energy. It was a priority for me and it got in the way of a lot of other good stuff I could have been focused on.
I’m talking like I have one foot in the grave ahahahah….nope. I still love it. Just found some other ways to spend that energy….
Mars 11 degrees Aquarius in the fourth. on the cusp of the 5th house at 16 degrees. Trine moon, Acd, Neptune, Lilith and in opposition Pluto.
I like the 5th house fun and romance thing. I have Sat square venus so I chalk that up to relationships that were once hot and heavy sometimes turning cool.
Mars/jupiter/neptune conjunct in 11th, in capricorn (except neptune at 29 sagg) all sextile pluto.
I do not understand it and I am not sure I ever really will, but when I put forth effort I accomplish things. It’s that easy. It’s the motivation that’s hard. I had a difficult beginning, but I’ve had a lot of luck and support in my life and I try not to take it for granted. I have in the past, but I know it won’t last forever and I don’t want to be a drain, so that is my motivation I suppose. I also had this problem of my fantasies becoming real, so I’ve stopped fantasizing and things are going great.
As far as sex drive – it’s restrained. I’m not sure why. No abuse issues or serious hangups. I certainly have the drive. Venus/saturn in scorp?
Mars conjunct Mercury and Midheaven in Libra (9th house). HELLA HIGH AND EVER-PRESENT! 😛
Sun, Mercury, and Mars conjunct in 9th Aquarius…. trio TRINES LIBRA Pluto in 5th house…. 7th house Venus QUINTILE PLUTO — very idealistic in love…My man needs to be smart and funny, otherwise no missiles launching, not even a spark.
I say mars in air have great imaginations …The brain is the real sex organ after all.
I have Mars in Sagittarius in my 5th house. Also, I have Mars conjunct my moon, trine Venus, sesquiquadrate Saturn and square Pluto.
I have a strong sex drive. If my Saturn aspect has cooled my libido, I really can’t tell. I tend to go after my prey ruthlessly (Venus in Aries), but being a Taurus, and quite feminine, I’m very good at appearing as if it were all their idea and not mine at all (Venus/Mars trine). I do tend to be a aggressive, which I think is the Mars-moon conjunct. I was always puzzled by the Taurus stereotype–very patient, hard to anger, phenomenal earth moving explosion when finally mad–which is not me at all. Instead, I get annoyed, easily irritated, quickly vent and then I move on and it’s out of my system. I have none of the Taurean common sense, either. I’m impulsive and if my emotions are involved, common sense and reason go completely out the door. I will be faced with extreme consequences and just not care. I see the risk, but what I feel right now is all that matters.
I have high sex drive when i am in a relationship.I have Mars in Leo conj Jupiter in Virgo in the 5th house cusp.I ahve also Saturn in Virgo in the end of the fifth.
My problem is that i found the man of my life and he has low sex drive(maybe with me?!).In the past i had a long term relationship with a man with Aries mars.After that relationship i haven’t been with a person with high sex drive..:((
Mars cancer, does anyone want to trade theirs with mine?…
Well my Mars is in excellent shape and is part of my mystic rectangle. It is inTaurus in 8th house trine critical Libra Jupiter and Saturn, sextile Pisces Moon (exact), opposite Scorpio Uranus, and inconjunct Libra Pluto. I’m super energetic, athletic, and spontaneous. I am a risk taker amd believe in go big or go home- and I never go home. Crazy people have called me crazy which is funny. But what most don’t know nor see is that if I have to, I can shut my body down and I have complete control/maintain discipline at all times. I’m what most would actually call a “square” bc I don’t drink alcohol, do any drugs, or eat junk food, etc. Pain doesn’t get to me, I can drive through anything on the most instinctual level- just get the heck out of my way.
Sex drive…well I haven’t been with many, but when I’m with someone, sex is very often and animalistic. There isn’t anything kinky or dirty, just simple sex repeatedly and lots of touching and hugs. The man always say dirty things and he always gets attached to me sexually. I am not someone that men can easily have a one night stand with as I’m very slow, luxurious, absorbing, and deliberate. I’m not hard, fast, nor an aggressor. I never had to chase any man nor ask/demand sex from him- they can’t keep their hands nor other body parts away from me. My danger has always been that if I’m alone in a room with a man- his clothes will come off and he will try to get sex out of me so I tend to not be alone with any man in a room (unless he’s gay then that’s ok).
Having relaxed Taurus Mars in 8th house exudes sexy and alluring vibes which is great…but many men get either overly excited about me or they can’t handle my deep Scorpionic kind of energy that’s mixed with Taurean sensuality and femininity. Perhaps my Venus trine Pluto (exact) may have something to do with this too. I would never trade my Mars and aspects for anything else!!!
I’ve only been with men who have Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, and Taurus Mars (earth and water). The fire Mars men are too shallow to grasp my slow and below the surface feel and the air Mars men are too amped up on their ideologies to give me the earthy and sturdy energy that I need. I don’t give a rat’s ass about kink or fetishes or any of that complicated bullshit. Sex to me is simple, natural, comforting, deep, bonding and secretive, warm; major necessity for relationship. It’s not a weapon nor an ideology, and it’s not something that is thrown around like a commodity nor should it represent status-all that is pure nonsense.
I have saturn Virgo in the 11th and venus Pisces in the 5th and my love life is inexistent. A failure. I gave up .
I am a Scorpio (rising and sun) with my Mars in the 8th house Cancer. My Mars is trine my Pluto in the 12th house conjunct my sun in the 12th house. My Mars is also opposite my Neptune and Uranuse conjunction. Pluto is conjunct my ascendant.
As far as sex drive- I have a very high one. It may be dormant for awhile if I am not getting any physical results but that is due to my own mind forcing it out since the desire is so strong. I am not immediately sexually attracted to people and I do not ‘go after’ someone I have my eyes on (Mars opposite Neptune). If I find someone attractive I will normally try to lure them with my energy and respond positively to advances. I am easily repulsed and easily turned on (I’m not sure if this is because of my Venus in the first house, Aquarius moon, or Cancer Mars). My Pluto trine Mars gives me a bit of a dark attraction and I am into BDSM and the sort. I have very passionate, emotional, sex.
Elsa, I have the same natal position of you, with mercury conjunct mars in the 9th house. When my 19 year marriage ended, the first thing I missed was the “sex”. Over the years I had a bad habit of looking at other men and having obsessive thoughts with some of them. But I always remained faithful and was fortunate to have a man with a strong sex drive. Now that my marriage has ended, I found the best way to release those sex urges is to buy sex toys. I chose a Scorpio man in my last relationship hoping for passion and hot nights, but he was not what I was expecting and was not willing to “experiment”, even when looking at his chart I saw his “dark moon” was in Scorpio at master degree 22. I am considering moving to another country to start a new life, but the place I have chosen will result in my relocation chart having both my mercury and mars in the 8th house instead of 9th. I am afraid that may make me sexually out of control!
Sometimes I wonder if I might be a sex addict. My urges are so intense. I look at every man through a sexual lens and some females too although my cravings are generally for the male anatomy. I have mars conj Uranus sextile Jupiter and Saturn. I haven’t had sex in a while and I feel anxious, emotional, and overwhelmed with desire. I was just telling someone last night that I feel most at peace and free when I’m having sex. It’s where I feel like I’m the most myself. Everything else I do is is just coping with reality. And sex is art.
Hi Elsa,
I was searching here for clues to my peregrine Mars in Sag. conj. Pallas in 3rd (which also forms a Thor’s Hammer Saturn in 8th (apex), Pluto in 12th). I’ve read some of the commentary here about many different aspects in astrology, but haven’t received, as of yet, an accurate assessment of my own astrological sexual nature, either in searching online or from a professional astrologer. One assessed me as being “frigid,” and well, that couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, the first orgasm I ever had was as an 11 year old in dance class (I was doing a split). I have been an athlete for most of my life, appeared in a men’s magazine layout, have had lovers of both sexes, been to sex parties, and feel orgasm in a way that is quite aggressive. I also place an inordinate amount of importance on words (for arousal) and voice. My sexuality has been an issue and a problem for several of my past relationships, and men have often said I have an inordinate amount of sex appeal. (Jupiter Libra Asc also). I have also suffered physical (medical) sexual trauma and recovered miraculously. Mars lacks Ptolemaic aspects in my chart. Combined with the Thor’s Hammer and conjunction to Pallas, along with what seems a very masculine oriented sexuality ( I prefer men to women) that is quite pleasing, I have not been able to have an astrologer accurately give me feedback on Mars in my chart. Any thoughts how it is manifesting? My Venus is in Leo (10th) and conjunct Vesta and Black Moon Lilith (Vest and BML are in Cancer), as well.
Does Mars conjunt Mercury could mean getting to conclusions too quickly?
Yes, or in the nick of time. 🙂
I have Mars in Pisces in the 1st house making a trine to my Scorpio moon. High strong libido, think life without regular sex is a painful waste of being.
I also have Lilith and Juno in house Eight, plus a trine of Mars with Moon. But I’m absolutely not like you. So these factors can’t be made responsible. Of course it must also be considered that I never have opportunities. But opportunities would be the first thing for an astrological chart to show, wouldn’t it? Already because otherwise observations could never have been made and astrological theory could never have been formed.
Perhaps also important that Lilith in a man’s chart differs from Lilith in a woman’s chart. For a woman Lilith represents her wild side, for a man how to scare him away.
Falkor, isn’t it possible that chart aspects that are dormant in yours are more activated in mine due to my other planetary placements? I’m no astrologer, but if you read a few descriptions of what’s most immportant to an 8th house Lilith/Juno, you’ll see why I connect them to libido.
Lilith and Juno in the 8th house too.
My Mars is also conjunct Mercury in the 9th, but both are very close to the 10th house cusp and Midheaven. The Mars/Mercury conjunction is opposite Neptune (Capricorn, 3rd house/4th house cusp), trine Pluto (Scorpio, 2nd house) and sextile the Moon (Virgo, 11th house). And if I include asteroids then there is an interesting trine to Juno in Aquarius, 5th house, completing a water grand trine… but the orbs aren’t very close.
I identify as asexual with an extremely low sex drive. I’m also aromantic.
Lol, I also have Mars conjunct Mercury in the 9th, yet my sex drive is nonexistent. I identify as asexual. Never had a sexual thought or tingle for another person. Just goes to show that no aspects ever exist in a vacuum I guess. Mars and Mercury are in Cancer, tightly conjunct Midheaven, opposite Neptune (Cap 3rd), trine Pluto (Sco 2nd), sextile Moon (Vir 12th), square Libra ascendant and square Lunar Nodes (NN in Ari 7th). Not sure if it’s the Cancer energy, Virgo 12th Moon or Neptune that does it… but don’t really care anyhow, being asexual is awesome! Especially since I’m also aromantic… Life is very simple! 😉