Surefire Way To Be Noticed!

sunflowerTaurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are likely to experience tension today. There are six bodies in the Fixed signs and the stress between them is clearly defined.

  • Sun in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius.  Star power, egomaniac, power struggle.
  • Moon in Aquarius opposing Venus in Leo. Hard to please or satisfy. Likes and needs conflict!
  • Mercury in Taurus square Uranus.  You said, what?

While this sounds annoying, it’s nothing like Mars Uranus, banging around. I think Mars moving into Gemini, trining Pluto, spared us pain under the full moon.

Overall, look for people (including you), to project today.  I think Mars and Jupiter in Gemini can help a lot. Just remember to THINK!  This, so you don’t have to go to reddit and ask, AITA (Am I The Asshole)?

Also note, Mars in Gemini supports the sun in Leo. I’ve been meaning to write about being magnanimous. Think about it. I feel this is the best way to go, in many cases.

I don’t know why this type character has become so scarce and I mean sooooooo scarce!

Magnanimity is the virtue of being great of mind and heart. It encompasses, usually, a refusal to be petty, a willingness to face danger, and actions for noble purposes. 

You feel me, here?

Big heart – Leo Sun.
High mind – Jupiter in Gemini.

It’s been a long time since I heard someone say, “I’m bigger than that.”  If you can fill the void, I would.  It’s a surefire way to be noticed!

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7 thoughts on “Surefire Way To Be Noticed!”

  1. Weighing up my circumstances, I’m going to have to be. Asc Leo, Venus/Mercury Leo, Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces.

  2. Avatar

    Just listened to Aloe Blacc’s “I’m the Man” and it fits this energy, Divine Masculine transcendence.

    I got all the answers to your questions
    I’ll be the teacher you could be the lesson
    I’ll be the preacher you be the confession
    I’ll be the quick relief to all your stressing (this is my world) (Jupiter Gemini)

    It’s a thin line between love and hate
    Is you really real or is you really fake
    I’m a soldier standing on my feet
    No surrender and I won’t retreat (this is my world) (Mars Gemini)

    Stand up now and face the sun
    Won’t hide my tail or turn and run
    It’s time to do what must be done
    Be a king when kingdom comes….. (Sun Leo)

  3. You know what else is scarce: pragmatism, rational thinking or discussions, logic, basic common sense. You are more likely to have a unicorn burst through your front window and spraying rainbows everywhere!

    Had a blazing argument with someone who was clearly affected by the above Fixed sign transits (Taurus). Just about on speaking terms with them, they have since apologised, but strong boundaries have now been set by me (the Mercury/Uranus square directly affected my Saturn). Saying sorry is not enough, SHOW me the changes!

  4. I’m finally writing my letter of resignation from my insufferable employer. They asked me to draft my announcement for the building, and while I’m applauding my colleagues and suggesting they keep up their cooperation, I tossed in a phrase, “I thank you for challenging me, where I rebounded and learned.”

    It was my way of saying, ‘some of you were awful to me, but I learned, have skills you don’t have as a result of it, and now I’m moving on.’ Oh no… Some of them will take note that I didn’t simply forgive *and* forget. I can forgive, but I’m not forgetting the obnoxious, toxic, or sabotaging behaviors I faced. They also can forget asking me for any professional favors down the road, so my letter is an attempt to close the door on that!

    I’m totally rocking this Uranus/ Pluto/ Mercury configuration! They are in good aspects with my Libra Moon / Conjunct Pluto!

  5. I m a leo ascendant and my pr. Venus is exactly on it, opposite tr. Pluto receiving a helping trine from tr. Neptune.. I feel I am getting away with it right now!

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