
Looking at death, from many angles…

Read About Astrology & Death

I just responded to someone asking for insight into their (current) obsession with death. He or she had a unisex name, so I’m not sure what pronoun to use. The person had a Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto. Pluto was in hard aspect to Venus and Saturn. Let’s just say, there were plenty of indications this person

Death & Irony

Some months ago, we were considering replacing the roof on our barn. One of our neighbors does a lot of work for us. I asked him if he might be interested in this job. I got a text back, “No roofs”. It’s nine months later, now. A friend is interested in a house near here. My

Untimely Death

My husband likes to watch war movies. I’ve learned over the years, if I fall asleep with the sounds gunfire and mortar shells going off, I will dream about it all night. If I go to sleep in a good or a bad mood, this also affects my sleep. I have a strong Saturn Neptune

Cemetary statue

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Death

Hello dear Elsa, You frequently speak about death, and it seems you’re not uncomfortable with the subject, and that you’re not afraid of it. What’s the astrological signature for it? I’m heavily influenced by Saturn and Pluto (Scorpio/Capricorn, among other stuff), but I’m pretty much terrified of it, when not looking at it intellectually, but

Lunar return report graphic

Her Father Died Under The Full Moon

Hi, Elsa. My father committed suicide during the blood moon, September 27th. And beyond somewhat wondering what was behind that, I mostly struggle with getting the love for the full moon back. Instead of a message of subconscious and perhaps release of things that have come to fruition that need to be let go, I

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