
Where astrology and psychology meet.

bad boys bad men psychopath

Anti-Social Personality Disorder… Widespread Denial?

Donald W. Black writes in “Bad Boys, Bad Men: Confronting Antisocial Personality Disorder”: “…Their disorder is often difficult to hide, but some anti-socials manage to keep it under wraps wit elaborate cons, colorful lies, and brash attempts at charm.  Sometimes, though, friends and family members become accomplices in anti-socials’ efforts to hide their nature, pretending […]

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The Introvert’s Struggle To Be Social

There’s an introvert in my everyday life. He’s dealing with difficult transits. It’s an agony to watch him struggle and suffer. He’s specifically being pressured to be an extrovert. He’s got a responsibility that requires him to become or act more social that he really is.

Astrology, Nature, Nurture and Free Will

Dorothy asks on “Insanity Trumps Astrology”: “Yeah but……if someone looks at the astrology chart to discover personality traits, is that not the whole nature/nurture argument? Someone with a difficult chart, who had a fairly nurturing environment, vs. someone who did not? Or are we saying that the astrology chart also determines more than just the

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