The Mushroom’s Apprentice Podcast With Shonagh Home

ShonaghShonagh Home is an interesting gal, both pleasant and deep.  She’s naturally caring and attentive to the others, but don’t let the veneer fool you. She’s keeping up at all times.
Shonagh invited me to be on her podcast; we recorded this the next day.  She wanted me to talk about my “system” as far as astrology goes. I was not sure what she was talking about, but why let that stop me, right? I mention this so you can track what happens during this talk.
Specifically, Shonagh is a client, rather than a reader of this blog.   The previous conversations we’ve had have been focused on her.  She began this conversation by asking about my childhood… having no idea my childhood was “off”. I knew, immediately, this thing was going out of bounds, but I trust this woman. I’ve worked with her and I know how treats others, so I put my faith in her and answered her questions.
As a result, I got a lot out of this, as she accurately read me and my situation, in real time.  I rarely run into situations like this. It’s thrilling for me when I do!  This woman is insightful, seeing the overview and the underbelly, simultaneously.
So that’s the back story.  Here’s her copy from the link:
“Astrology is an ancient science that traces its roots back 4000 years to Babylonia and Chaldea. One is well served to have a basic understanding of the workings of the cosmos and as well, a connection to a good astrologist. I am always fascinated by the winding path to one’s purpose in life and this episode’s guest has a most extraordinary story. Elsa Panizzon was introduced to astrology at the age of 8 and at 15 she left a horribly abusive home and set out on her own. Through a consistent flow of serendipitous happenings she eventually found her way back to astrology, clearly illustrating how fate so brilliantly operates. As a result of her challenging early life Elsa’s astrology practice has specialized in assisting clients with trauma as well as relationship and individual chart readings for over thirty years.
The first hour focuses on her unique and fated story, then flows into astrological House Systems. Elsa works with Equal Houses, which is uncommon today, and she shares her insights on that system and more. She takes every opportunity throughout the conversation to highlight the astrology in one’s personality, actions, thinking, and events, which helps show how intrinsic these influences are in our everyday reality.
The second hour covers where to look to learn astrology, which is overwhelming. Elsa offered some understanding of Pluto in Aquarius, which is a phase we’ll all be navigating for the next twenty years, involving the ubiquitous use of A.I. over real world, tangible reality, and a major transformation of the individual.
Elsa is brassy, direct and super sharp and she knows her stuff. I think you will enjoy listening to this very genuine, no-nonsense woman who provides essential wisdom and guidance to so many.” – Shonagh Home


11 thoughts on “The Mushroom’s Apprentice Podcast With Shonagh Home”

  1. Hi Elsa,
    I enjoyed your conversation and learned much new information about astrology in your first hour with Shonagh. I’m going to subscribe, so I can hear the second hour!! Your mind and understanding gave me great joy, and perhaps that is because I too have Mercury and Mars conjunct in Gemini at the Mid-heaven (10th and 9th houses). Next I’m going to look at my chart with the Equal House system. Thank you for all you shared about yourself and astrology!!

  2. This interview was breakfast this morning. I listened as I gobbled delicious rye sour dough bread with butter and blueberry jam! The mix did not go unnoticed 👍🏽

    I’m not new to your stories, so to get more depth through this Mushroom Woman’s podcast was meaningful; I have an appetite for whole food. I’m a cook, and I love quality ingredients. There is a very real difference in the taste and nourishment of a meal made with the best quality.

    Shonagh is a good listener and appreciative of your earned place in astrology, and storytellers. She’s new to me, so there’s a potential exploration for me.

    It’s a great new phase — branching— from your well-developed Italian Homegrown Virtual Villa. Astrology and much more. I really appreciate the evolving menu. 🙌🌱Your adventures have long inspired my Mars-Saturn conjunction to make room for the Uranus(experimentation?/revolution) in Gemini that sextiles that slow and disciplined burn.

    You’re doing it again 😏

    1. Thank you! If you heard the second hour, she’s really observant and very well spoken.

      I kind of liked going in without a plan. I learned from this… for one thing, I am now using an uncommon or rare house system. This was news to me… but also correct. I just needed to hear it.

      She also picked up on themes in what I was saying. Not deliberate on my part so… well, I just really like her. She is very human being / woman.

  3. I’m inspired by your talk, to continue telling my stories, writing them down, churning the insights through my chart and learn, expand and learn some more. What a breath of fresh air ! I grew up in a big house full of books surrounded by nature. I secretly learned how to read at 5 with the help of one of my fathers employees and a typewriter. I wanted to know what was in those books. I read philosophy and poetry, understood nothing but felt everything. I was convinced from an early age that I can decide where I live and how and with whom. No one told me I have to comply with a status quo. I wanted to travel the world and I did.
    No formal education since high school and now I help people unlearn and rewire their stuck mindsets. I’m massively grateful for never give up people like you, who just persevere being themselves. I’ll continue writing my stories and painting my pictures… and look again at my chart using equal houses. 🙂

  4. Everything- Your story, history, spirit, love, determination, and unfiltered wisdom are truly inspiring. Your lifelong willingness to share your gifts and delve deeper to help others is remarkable.

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