Venus in Scorpio Square Pluto: September 23, 2024

venus pluto dark femmeVenus in Libra is currently squaring Pluto in Capricorn.  This aspect will tighten up over the next few days. Venus will ingress into Scorpio, late in the evening on September 22nd. I expect to feel shift.

I say that because of the Scorpio / Pluto clash, but also because Venus leaves her home sign for the sign of her detriment.  This seems worth paying attention to.  It’s certainly worth noting if you have natal planets involved.

Here what I really want to say: this looks like intense negotiation to me.  You know Libra. It will go back and forth until the cows come home!  But when Venus hits Scorpio to square Pluto, things are likely to get more drastic.

Betrayal, end of relationship, and such.

Pluto is in CAPRICORN. If you want to keep your relationship, play fair (Libra) and take responsibility for your send.   Act like a grownup now, to when Venus reaches Scorpio, still squaring Pluto in CAPRICORN, you will be looking at a deeper commitment.

Can anyone feel their love live starting to cook?

3 thoughts on “Venus in Scorpio Square Pluto: September 23, 2024”

  1. Perfectly said:

    “If you want to keep your relationship, play fair (Libra) and take responsibility for your send. Act like a grownup now, to when Venus reaches Scorpio, still squaring Pluto in CAPRICORN, you will be looking at a deeper commitment.”

    Sums up relationships in general.

    Put another way, own your own garbage with integrity and make no assumptions of others. Lower your guard with your partner and they will feel it. Face the fears openly and honestly and watch the trust in your relationship deepen if you both do it.

    Thank you for this. People don’t understand relationships and it is so good to see this written so well!

  2. I’m a 68-year old single woman, and I have a date tomorrow, the first in over 10 years! And I feel that I’ve become emotionally mature enough to have attracted a quality man. Thank you Elsa for your common sense relationship advice,

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