Venus Square Neptune: Radical Way To Get Through Life

Saturn Neptune in LibraIf you have Venus square Neptune in your chart, we’re likely to have a lot in common. My natal Neptune is conjunct my Midheaven and there is no end to the ways this aspect impacts my life.  If you doubt me, click the tag as I’ve written about this for more than twenty years: Venus Neptune.

One of the ways this aspect manifests: I’m constantly mistaken both for things I am and things I’m not.  Things I think and things I don’t think. Things I do and things I don’t do.  This bothers me more than most, because I’m an honest person.

My sister told me in my twenties, I was “facade free”. I didn’t know that the hell she was talking about, as always.  “What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, you don’t have a facade. You put your real personality out there.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant.  She’d trick me occasionally so I was cautious. “Facade? Who has a facade?” I asked, probing.


I thought this had to be a lie. “You have a facade?”

“Yes, and you don’t”.

“Why do you have a facade?” asked the little sister, always trying to find out more…

I came to learn she was right about this.  And you know what people do, as a matter of course. They project! They have one, so I must?

This is why legions of people think I am lying when I am telling the truth down to the fine hairs, why?  So I can’t be accused of lying!  But they lie like a rug, so I must lie like a rug too! Ugh.

Here’s more on the profundity of this:

Neptune Conjunct Midheaven: More On Mistaken Identity

I’m considering trying a new, radical approach to addressing the problems I have with this, which are never-ending.  I’m considering falling into this.

It would mean, not telling anyone who I am, anymore. Not telling anyone, what I think or how I feel.  I would just live and let people observe and define me however they like. This is what happens anyway, yes?  It would be about standing naked, to be judged.  Naked, because I have no facade. I have no choice with that.

A long time ago, an astute reader told me I was like an inkblot.  Different people see different things. This another view of what I’m saying.  It’s a Neptune sacrifice.

Elsa – A Rorschach Inkblot?

I am experimenting with this now.  It’s about not being outspoken or even speaking at all, outside the other person’s interests. This may sound like self-betrayal, but that’s not what it is.

It’s another expression of the Mercury and Mars in my 9th, as it’s “out there” for me. It’s beyond where I am now. I’m also intent (Mars) on being polite (Libra).  I will politely discuss what the other person(s) are interested in.

This works for my 8th house as it will be the death of me, but also my rebirth, into peace.  I will also gain insight I can’t access when my mouth is running.

I’m talking about living in the negative space. Going not just “yin”, but super yin, in accord with the 8th house.

I actually started doing this about two years ago… baby steps.  It’s gone well.  Some may (or may not) think I’m pretty vanilla, maybe even “dull”. I’m okay with this, believe it or not (pun).  It’s enough for me to just be seen as an “okay” person, meaning, I’m not a thief or out to get anyone, ever. Not exactly a non-playing character, as I will be involved in a service, volunteer capacity. I’m talking about my real, offline life here.

It’s a series of events that’s brought me to this point.  I’ve been losing my friends, to death and disability, over the last several years.  I can’t replace these people.  These are people I have known for decades. We’ve got incredible histories, but it’s more than that.  People are just to damned offended!  You need a facade to survive in this world today and I don’t have one.  You need a facade to have friends, too.  I’ve got nothing I can throw on!

I’ve pretty much decided to go with blank slate as a cover, mostly because it’s the only thing I think I can pull off.   It’s also a way to maintain my integrity as  I won’t be out there acting like I’m someone I’m not. I’ll be out there as myself, but quieter. Much quieter.

I think this suits Neptune on the midheaven. The way I’ve lived most my life, does not.  I was Venus in Leo, yes?

progressed stellium in ScorpioThere was this old gal who I knew from church some years ago.  She came to mass alone and I, projecting on her, used to invite her to have some coffee after mass, or sit in on a discussion group we used to have.  I did this, because she was alone and had a very pleasant manner about her.  She also seemed intelligent.

In whatever case, she always begged off, so I quit bugging her. I found other things to do for her, but anyway, I think I may be turning into her.   Like she was someone, but she’d gotten weary at some point, just trying to be herself in this world.  She folded in and it worked for her.

I also relate to being the “maid”. This is something I’ve known since I was a teenager; if you want to know what’s going on, ask the maid! She’s got her mouth shut but she knows it all.

I have always related to this stereotype. I mean, I was the barmaid, this is how I learned so freaking much about how people mate… and live, for that matter. I’m cool with being the maid.

This also suits my progressed chart, which has all the Scorpio in the 6th house.

That’s a lot of insight right that, that is not public (beneath the horizon).  I’ll tell you something about Virgo and the 6th house. You don’t know the intellect you’re dealing with until you hit them one on one. In whatever case, that chart right there is not for public consumption, especially in the current day.  And that is my chart and it will be for some time to come.



2 thoughts on “Venus Square Neptune: Radical Way To Get Through Life”

  1. Well, I like that chart! But also sympathise.

    Have venus sq nept, venus and merc in leo also, asc too, moon and nept in scorpio conj, so opp my midheaven. Constantly mistaken for things I am not. Also not seen at all tho I am so evidently there. Also, one day someone gets me, the next day they don’t – like it never happened.

  2. I have venus opposite neptune but share some of this. I’ve realized that I have always been facade free (didn’t really realize it until the last 10 yrs. I’ve always had a really dificult time dealing with other people’s ‘Facades’, looking for the same level of authenticity, honestly and usually often not finding it.

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