Weekend Love Forecast – Sensual Plans Begin To Take Shape

Jane treesHow long have we been waiting for an opportunity to grab the goodies? Long. Part of that is because when the time was right to act, the goodies disappeared — OR we were blocked. As Cancer Mars swings from a trine to retro Pisces Saturn into trine with retro Pisces Neptune, stay loose and count on divine timing.

Staying loose means conserving or curating energy till the window to pounce arrives. Keep it moving and ready to use. As Mars trines retro Neptune, Scorpio Mercury makes its way into orb of a grand trine in water with both — in effect all weekend. The news is newsing, as they say. The senses are sensing both above and below the line of consciousness, and our actions are swiftly informed. We feel it in the body and the soul. We bring forth information FROM the body and the soul.

That’s enough, right? But it’s not ALL. Mars spends the weekend in opposition to Pluto at the end of Capricorn, a potent and substantive arrow on the string of a subtle and attuned archer. That oppositional arrow spits the grand trine — not quite a kite (no sextile yet from Mercury to Pluto) but a mighty weapon to wield. Not all the input will arrive this weekend, but enough to train up and soak in the wisdom of preparedness.

A power struggle is setting up, but we’re on the case. Again: Stay loose. Don’t string your arrow till you’re ready to shoot your shot. Not all battles are among enemies; games are also battles and preparation for battle.

Friday night, the playful Leo Moon sextiles retro Jupiter in Gemini and the games begin in earnest. This robust mood sparks multiple chances to curry favor and win big; then the Moon goes on to square retro Uranus in Taurus overnight, enough tension to heighten the pleasure.

Saturday night’s Virgo Moon sextiles the Sun in Scorpio. An earthy mood is the perfect accompaniment to the potentially erotic flow of the Mars-Neptune-Mercury triune water wheel. The Moon-Sun sextile eases us in at the right time, so look for your natural opening to make yourself of use. Kindness is magnetic.

Sunday morning’s Virgo Moon squares Sagittarius Venus and opposes retro Saturn through midday — a mutable t-square. Anything worth having is worth taking time and effort to manage. When we want something a great deal, sometimes patience feels like a burden. However, getting what we need often requires that compromise. Do you have a compromise to revisit?

By nighttime, the Virgo Moon squares retro Jupiter, both ruled by Mercury; so pressing needs and insistent obsessions must be sublimated if we want to win at the long game. Stay in flow. Make the moves that make sense now, and let later happen later. Continue to train up.

Do you have any weekend plans?

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