Weekly Forecast: August 5-9, 2024 – Mercury Retrograde

orange zodiac clockThe Leo Sun sextiles Gemini Jupiter, Monday through Wednesday morning, and the weekend’s new moon enterprises kick off with the positive growth of a steady flame. What’s the fuel to this fire? Getting the details right, improving your attitude and orientation, and reassessing your assets and information. Bigger is only better if you’ve got the facts tuned in. So check them twice. If you do? KAPOW.

This week, newly retrograde Mercury in Virgo starts out slowly, heading back toward the beginning of the sign. Venus moves forward through the early degrees of Virgo to meet it. They meet Wednesday night, but the build up brings out the inner gumshoe we need to clinch the win.

Through Thursday morning, Juno at the end of Virgo opposes retro Neptune at the end of Pisces. Do we all know what’s going down in our romantic partner’s world? I would assert that we never do. There is always a separation of minds whether we’re in tune or not. For some that’s the spice to light up the night, for others it’s the inducement to their downfall. It’s time to rethink that too. There’s passionate fuel afoot; how will you use it? If you have to wonder and worry, reconsider if that works for you.

On Monday, the Leo Moon squares Uranus before heading into Virgo to conjoin Venus then retro Mercury. Do you really want to shake things up, or do you want to keep things as they are? The collective mood elevates this chaotic question. Sometimes we head toward change because we’re already uncomfortable and the awareness finally hits. But either way, ignoring it won’t make it go away. It’s satisfying to chase the question as much as the answer. We need to know what we want.

Tuesday’s Virgo Moon squares Gemini Mars and Jupiter, leading to a nighttime t-square with Jupiter via an opposition to retro Saturn in Pisces. Many are close to spinning out or are feeling blocked. Consider what’s keeping YOU from spinning out and lock it down. One timely consideration is “what do you truly value?” What is it that you wouldn’t fare well without? What are you unsatisfied in the absence of? You may find that what you’ve been telling yourself is the answer to those questions may not be the whole truth.

Have you been romanticizing something or someone just because they’re missing or changed? Have you been grieving a loss based only on the good times? Try thinking about some of the tough times too. Maybe you don’t need something you thought you did.

Wednesday morning the Sun perfects its sextile to Jupiter, and the Virgo Moon finishes its opposition to retro Saturn. The Moon goes on to trine Uranus, and retro Mercury and Venus pass in the night. If you’re paying attention and seeking information, chances are you’ll grab at least momentary clarity on your true goals and desires. A flash of truth can be enough to light the signal fires.

Overnight, the last degree Virgo Moon exactly (ideally) highlights the Juno-Neptune opposition as it perfects. The Moon-Juno conjunction is passionate. The Moon-Neptune opposition confers the ability to see (and feel) nostalgia for what it is. Is it enough? Make sure you have your facts straight.

On Thursday, the Moon hits airy, Venus-ruled Libra and a trine to retro Pluto in Aquarius. Intellectual excitement travels through the pleasure-seeking mood like electricity. Subtle confidence is the mood that wins. The power of this mood is in effortless seduction. People want to help when you’re sure of what you’re after. The Moon passes over the south node, and the balance is effortless. You’ve got this.

Friday morning’s Libra Moon trines Mars and Jupiter in Gemini and completes a sextile to the Sun by afternoon. Friday is the day to make some moves, and it feels oh so good to get physical. Consider these actions exploratory and gauge further moves as you go along.

Nighttime takes the Libra Moon into opposition with retro Chiron in Aries, exact overnight. Explore pleasure, but be ready to meter your response to what works in the moment. Not every move stands on its own: learn the territory and improve your pleasure.

Venus and retro Mercury meet at 3 degrees Virgo on Wednesday night. Where does this hit your chart? Are you thinking clearly about what you want?

8 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: August 5-9, 2024 – Mercury Retrograde”

  1. I am not sure where it hits in my chart.
    I know what I want in the long term – it’s the short-term wants that trip me up.
    Thank you, Satori 🙂
    I hope you have an exceptional week.

  2. All of that melee takes place around my natal Pluto in Virgo in the 11th. I’m leading a workshop far from home until Wednesday, traveling back by plane on Thursday. For the success of what I’m doing here, it looks good. The world at large not so much. My best friend and her family are hunkering down in a safe room in a war zone, serious illness of a family member is a worry. I’m optimistic though, my ruling planet Jupiter in my first house and transiting Jupiter in the 8th will protect me.

    1. That was my alarm clock through the 2000s. Once the electronics went bad, I kept it anyway. I’ve never been able to find one for sale again. However, the face was a graphic that just sat inside the clear cover. So you could do that. The best thing was the gradual awakening to the soft chime (over about three minutes).

  3. Had an initial appointment w allergist this morning but no testing until October. They are just planning to test different meds they gave me during surgery tho we are like 99% certain it’s the antibiotic. They aren’t checking for food allergies etc but the Dr said we could if i want. I already know oysters make me 🤮 and itchy but that’s the only thing I’ve experienced. I did have an incident back in 99 or so I was having a CT scan and the high contrast dye (iodine) felt like I was in an oven. I was told they changed the formulation in the early 00’s so I assume that’s why I’ve never had that happen again

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