What Do You Want From Astrology?

Vintage zodiac paper dollsPeople look to astrology for a wide variety of reasons.  I wonder what the people reading here want from it.  I ask this, standing in the middle of a Neptune cloudbank.

It seems there’s a lot of interest in politics and everything related to it. Predictions, generally of doom, followed by predictions of redemption. I think these things are orchestrated so I opt to leave it alone.  How can the prediction be real if the event is fake?

Regardless of who is elected or selected, people still have to live and manage their relationships.  I find attention paid to one’s own life, pays better than attention paid to people and things that are remote from the individual but I seem to be unusual in this regard.

Back to astrology, I guess I’m feeling a little  out of it, as in “remote”. I don’t care about so many of the things people are so distracted with and I am wondering what the readers here are interested in, because really, you’re the only people who matter, as far as my writing goes.

What do you want from astrology? Which is really meant to ask, what am I doing here?

24 thoughts on “What Do You Want From Astrology?”

  1. Insight. Into myself, my internal and external workings, relationships, people… It helps me with accepting and understanding, in some ways I haven’t been able to using psychology or therapy. And astrology helped, and helps!

  2. The psychology of it. It helps me be more patient and empathetic. Right now, Pluto is hitting my sons aquarian sun at 1 degree hard. It squares his natal Pluto in Scorpio.

  3. I use it like a weather forecast to:
    a. get a heads up on upcoming storms
    b. get suggestions how to avoid them when possible
    c. construct tools to combat, deal, or adapt when I have to
    e. take the best advantage of the fine weather

    Pretty Capricorny lol 😉

  4. I agree with all of the above!

    Increasing psychological insights
    Weather vane for the energies at play and coming up
    Plus learning via your storytelling and sharp insights

    The last point so worthwhile for me. I’m always impressed how you can impart info succinctly and so creatively. Especially how to make lemonade from bunch of lemons! Your ability to see situations from a different perspective so valuable to all of us.

  5. I appreciate astrology’s big picture view to live my real life. Your ability to make sense of the personal planets in relations helps me navigate late stage life challenges with that big picture(outer planet transits).

    Between you and Satori —my daily vote getters— have kept us in good stead.

  6. I agree with Kimberli – ostensibly, I’m here for the weather forecast, but I’m *really* here for your storytelling and how you weave it all with astrological insights. I also love the way that you
    help us see through the fog. Because man it is FOGGY around these parts!! The interwebs sure are cobby these days, but your site is always a breath of fresh air. There’s nobody doing it the way you do, Elsa! BIG UP!!

  7. I agree with all of these points, plus this: Gold medalist (9 of ’em) Simone Biles is sporting a G.O.A.T. necklace (USA Today, 8/2/2024). What do you see in Ms. Biles’ charts to indicate Capricornian success and talents?

  8. Hi Elsa, I feel like you are the lighthouse to many of us in our boats of life. You can navigate the stars and planets and are selfless enough to share that with us. You explain the energy, the push and pull, the ebb and flow I feel and live, and how that shows up in our charts. I am grateful you are here and sharing your bubble with us.

  9. I come to the site because I enjoy the way you write. I like the stories I like your description comparison personal parts questions. I’m looking for a general forecast of outside effects that I might remind myself not to take everything personal. It’s related to the big picture the planet, pulling the planet offering the planet, dropping the planet fighting, pushing getting close pulling apart,
    Big planets, big influence I like the big heads up, helps me thank you
    Sincerely your site has a good affect on me, my head heart my
    Hopes, and fears , yup I got a few
    Oddly, I think they have become attached to the ringtones
    I have different ones for different people and just laid up noticing when the phone rings part of me says 00 no ouch no not again I don’t know rather funny to notice this, I think it’s real for me though I think I wanna start switching my phone to a buzz like a vibrate that a ringtone OK I hope you all have a wonderful weekend especially you, Elsa I hope you and your family have chill shade and homemade popsicles. I mean it damn near it feels 100 here.

  10. I read many books on astrology. The interplay and stories you have Elsa, fill out the framework of an exquisite dynamic and language of astrology. It’s enrichment. It describes the insights that flash thru my head. It answers ” Why does that happen now?” The orchestra has many layers of sound. What moves the whole sound is interpreted individually. I hear you and I’m thankful for your delightful thoughts. All the folks that show up bring more, they follow you ,like me and I get a lift hearing synchronicity with others having similar influences. Can I share a magical moment? Ok. I had a late night canning pickles and a little tiny frog hopped in the door with me. The little frog came home , I thought. I picked up the phone. I called my son. He just got off a plane. Natural forces are constant. We evolved from natural existence and those few who use astrology are attracted to understand and connect with these forces. It’s soothing to remember, laugh, wonder, and appreciate this life.

  11. I come here for you Elsa. I enjoy your writing and stories. I come her to learn about myself, and I have learned more from you, about me, than any other person or piece I’ve read. I come here to learn about how to relate to the people around me that I love.

  12. There’s more spaces similar to yours, where I can interact with real people, online, it’s just a matter of finding them and engaging. But none of them has this big picture feeling and at the same time feels so personal and deep at times. That is your way of leading this space, Elsa.
    I’m coming here for learning and inspiration, for the weather forecast and different perspectives. I benefit greatly, navigating potholes out there and internal obstacles.

    I also follow world events, but it’s weather too, it’ll happen or not, this way or another. How I fare with whatever happens depends on me.

  13. I am interested in the broader understanding it gives me, it isn’t necessary to compartmentalize into politics or what have you; this site helps me to understand me, and that extends outward. Your illumination of the difficult personal stuff (Pluto! For example) in particular is so very helpful. We need the light, not more hysterics. There’s plenty of that out there already, though we can see probabilities, no one can truly predict precisely how the future will play out, anyway.

  14. Pretty much what you are doing already! Providing insights into how the planetary movements could potentially manifest, what we need to either embrace, take advantage of, or be cautious about. All at the same time keeping it neutral, objective, without political bias, and without the doom-mongering, chicken licken style theatrics. I really do enjoy reading your articles, it’s a rare breath of fresh air.

    It seems everything is about politics, society, also the media too. Frankly getting rather sick of it, and the Saturn Pisces copping out and lazy mindsets. People don’t want to take responsibility, and end up blame-shifting others, because it’s easier and more convenient to make it the other person’s problem so they can avoid being called out.

    My personal favourite, upon a debate, is when they respond, “oh, you are just believing what the media are telling you, instead of thinking for yourself”. What kind of response is that?! How about actually discussing the issue, and why you disagree with it?

    The irony is that this line tends to come from people who blindly get their worldviews and news sources from Social Media with no discernment or questioning of what information they are exposed to. Social Media consists mainly of narratives, subjective ideologies, and distortions of facts, and can be posted by anyone with a mobile phone. Mainstream media is absolutely not to be trusted, but Social Media is far worse.

    So equally, if you don’t believe the Mainstream Media, don’t put all your eggs in the Social Media basket hoping for the truth. Because NONE of them are truthful, it’s all about click revenues and who gets the most sponsors and financial backing, equally.

    I digress. Is there any HOPE with Saturn in Pisces? Be honest lol

  15. I’ve followed you on this website for so long, I can’t even remember when I started. Probably when you first launched it? Anyway, I’m here after all these years and still learning something new from you all the time.

    You make astrology accessible and easily digestible with your way of teaching and story telling. Your honesty and lack of people pleasing is wonderful in a world that expects us to always be ‘acceptable’ in the eyes of societal standards. You’re a Rebel in your own right, a mold breaker and a cycle breaker. You attract the rest of us here by shining your light as brightly as you do. It’s how we all found you, in the dark.

  16. Initially, I wanted to Predict The Future. I typed that in caps, to read like the intent was an epic novel, or movie title. I think I thought if I could predict the future, I could also somehow control my life. To say the least, over the past few years, I’ve had epic lessons on all sorts of aspects of life and some realizations I’d never been able to come to without astrology. I believe, Elsa, you write and bring concepts through this website that allows an interested reader to be curious and to think. Epic astrology, there.

    I am currently experiencing a transit Neptune opposite natal Uranus at the same time as a transit Uranus opposite natal Neptune. Needless to say, the bare bones of this has been control is only illusion.

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