What If All My Planets Are In The Eastern Hemisphere?

zodiac ponchoRecently, I’ve had a run of clients will a major emphasis on the Eastern hemisphere of their natal chart.  For newbies, this means that most of the planets fall on the left side of the chart.

A person with a lot of planets on the left side of  their chart tends to be more self-focused. For example, the second house is concerned with your money; the eighth has to do with other people’s resources.

It doesn’t matter much. We are what we are! But I got thinking about this when one client presented me with her chart along with her partner’s chart. Both charts were strikingly concentrated on the Eastern hemisphere. I wondered this might work in relationship. You have admit it’s cool puzzle.

I’m italicizing words to make it clear that I’m talking about a small group here. I don’t want people with 60% of their planets in the Eastern hemisphere, thinking this applies to them. It does not! This post is concerned with extreme situations.

Back to this couple, a person who lacks planets in the Western hemisphere will generally have to stretch to become involved and maintain relationships.  A lot of times you can put two people with the same challenge together and they’ll work it out.  I would not suppose this would be the case in this circumstance.

I’m not saying two people with Eastern emphasis can’t partner. But I would expect the pairing to be two “me’s” and no “we”.

In whatever case, it’s interesting. I decided to post this so we could talk about it.  If you’re new to “hemispheres” in astrology, here’s a crash course:

What If My Planets Are Bunched Together?

Is the Eastern hemisphere emphasized in your chart?  How do you feel this impacts your relationships?

21 thoughts on “What If All My Planets Are In The Eastern Hemisphere?”

  1. The eastern hemisphere is emphasized in my chart, and my whole life has been about relationships. I also have a Libra South Node and a Cancer moon in the 7th house (also in Cancer), so maybe those factor in a lot, too. My partner has a western hemisphere emphasis in his chart, so maybe that balances things out.

    1. Yes, if one of your lights (sun or moon) are in the opposite hemisphere, this would not apply. But my thinking was the same as yours. That someone with the opposite focus might be a help to a person wanting some kind of balance.

      It’s like me, generally partnering with Fixed signs. Otherwise I might skip out or drift and forget I know you. 🙂

  2. Hm what about an Eastern hemisphere only (minus one planet) chart but there’s a Libra stellium? How would that affect things?

    1. Good question. That’s exactly what the client had… and this post describes my impression of her.

      As for how that might work, if your first house is full of Libra, you may be nice looking… assert yourself as a nice and sociable person. But this is the still, “the self”. 🙂

      1. Hmmm…this is really interesting to me! I have 8 planets in the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses. Libra stellium. Only Saturn, Uranus and Chiron are outside this. I enjoy my weekly visits to town and talking to all kinds of people. But I only have three close friends, and am otherwise pretty much a hermit, preferring nature, my dog and my horse. Might explain why I’ve never married.

  3. Nope, doesn’t apply to me. Except for Chiron, the Western Half of my chart is completely empty. With a packed 12th house, and no planets in air signs either (but all my air houses are occupied, if you include my Gemini Midheaven), my true nature is that of an introvert, although only those who know me well realise this. I genuinely love people, and I enjoy others’ company very much – although I do need time on my own to ‘recharge’ after socialising. Almost my entire life has been concerned with helping people in some way – doing community work, running a charity etc. I have many friends, and I was lucky enough to meet and marry my soul mate – we’ve been together 37 years, and are very close. Maybe it’s my Cancer Moon, maybe it’s my 11th House Leo Stellium, maybe it’s the 3 planets in Virgo with a Virgo ascendant – I don’t know, but what you’ve written doesn’t seem to apply.

  4. I’ve got a major emphasis on the Eastern Hemisphere of my chart with only Chiron in the 4th house and Uranus at the very end of the ninth with equal house system. Everything is within a single trine between Uranus and Saturn. Libra stellium, Virgo stellium and Scorpio Rising with the North Node conjunct the Ascendant degree.

    My husband and I have been happily together since we met 33 years ago, raised a family etc. A few good friends. Fairly idealistic through it all.. quite Aquarian, with 5 planets in the 11th house. Like my freedom of mind.

    Worked in schools, humanitarian organizations. Stayed home many years with children. Introverted not extroverted at all.

  5. My eastern Hemi is packed with Virgo and libra. I have a huge interest in others, but need distance. I do a lot by myself. I observe and I also interact. I feel as though I take things very seriously, snd project myself intensely as well. Hopefully with depth and seriousness. For such a packed 1st house, I have had to learn a lot about myself through others, in a sense. Self clarity used to come in waves and was shaky at times, and sometimes it still is. Building a sense of individuality has been more of like a byproduct of trying to figure myself out my whole life and learn how I fit in this world. I’m kind of boring, actually.
    And I think you’re right about a couple with each having an Eastern hemisphere emphasis; too much “me” without the “we”. WAY TOO boring.

  6. I have another angle to the issue.
    All my planets are in the upper parts of the horoscope – from the 8th to the 12th house.
    It’s for sure a very public chart in my opinion.

    Besides from Chiron and the North Node, none of the planets are in the lower half. My pain is hidden, but the wisdom, pain and healing feeds into the public self of me. I have a lot of 9th house and 8th house placements. Some of those are tied to the Chiron, so in those areas these are touched, Chiron energy feeds into those in those areas of my chart.

    I have no issue standing in front of a crowd, talking to them. I have no issue sharing my thoughts with the public, e.g. on a blog (hello comment section at ElsaElsa!) or website. My job title is web editor, creating and posting public content on a website. Go figure 😉 I have Mercury in Scorpio, and Scorpio is 8th/9th house. Somehow I guess my life has always been something in regards to writing or creating something with words. I once tried to publish my novels at age 13 – it did not go through the editor’s critical eye though.

  7. One of our sons has all his planets in 5 houses on the Eastern side…He goes his own way, but has a vast number of friends in multiple countries….Not sure what the astrology of that could be?!….

    1. Think of the 11th house in terms of “wishes, hopes and dreams”.

      The 6th house is about service… .
      The 5th house is concerned with being creative.
      Creativity involves others. The audience, for example. You don’t perform for yourself.

      1. Ahhh.. but my thought on the 6th house is you do nice shit for others like you’d give a gift.. but once they benefit your relationship to them is severed.. it’s very you give they take and then you hightail out of there, knowing you did your best..
        And 5th house is like others looking at youuuu.. like a Leo thinking ‘they like me they really like me’? not really about them. No?
        And sometimes we create things for our own pleasure cause were compelled.. though most important artists think of an audience. It’s kinda like you’re doing this selfish thing and want others to witness it at most.. I guess to be an adored one you’d want others to adore you.. but a lot of others

        Isnt 11th house also about large groups? And like activism, things like this? Isn’t Aquarius worried about the greater good?

        1. ” Isn’t Aquarius worried about the greater good?”

          Ha ha! So they say. But the KKK is a group formed for the “greater good”.

          Either way, I give that type stuff to Uranus.

          Your interpretation of the 6th house is bizarre (to me). People are there and then gone are Uranus types. Like lightning that strikes.

          On the 5th house, we just disagree, I guess. The sun’s purpose is to shine. And I don’t think Mick Jagger wonders if people like him! 🙂

          1. Idk I have Uranus involved with some stuff in my chart. The way I see the 6th house is like there’s many ways to help people. Can help an old lady across the street, give a homeless dude a sandwich, these are quick actions.. no need to stay on and build a relationship. Or you go to work every day to work with like addicts or doing social work for instance. But then you go home and spend time with yourself. The action of service had a different duration to me.. depending on the act.. if it’s ongoing or a one time thing. I don’t think that building a relationship or seeing the person you’ve done something for is necessary. But I have Uranus involved with the 2nd house Jupiter so I really prefer to do something extravagant for someone and blow out of there. Serving day in day out takes it out of me unless it’s work related. Or volunteership related.

            What I mean to say is my interpretation of service is action based. Like giving someone your notes from class, making someone a hot lunch, counseling a person, etc. And actions can be ongoing or one time things. A relationship with that one person isn’t a guarantee. Even social workers and case workers see different people. Soup kitchen workers don’t always form relationships or bonds with the homeless people.. but they do give them food.

            1. I agree with you about the 5th house thing which is why I don’t understand how it can be other oriented.

              I can get how 6th house involves others if you serve or work for somebody else. You’d focus on improving the lot of others.

  8. All my planets are in the eastern hemisphere my chart….and my husband’s chart is the same. We share this: we were brought up in families that required us to take care of ourselves and motivate ourselves from childhood (busy and self-absorbed parents). But our nature is somehow to take care of ourselves while also taking care of others – we love & take of each other too, while not 100% melting into each other. We share an exact Sag Moon; we love to travel, but love our cozy home and being there together. We are independent people who found like souls who understand each other’s independence!

  9. It turns out I have a mix of East and West.. but more in the south. I have issues with being naturally very very subjective. As this Venus Pluto transit progresses.. others are very important to me but only very specific others. Though I feel alienated these days with Saturn hitting my moon. I had desperately been wanting to connect and go beyond my superficial insecure bullshit to know people.. my insecurity about my appearance has made it hard to not be offended when people don’t approve of me that way and seek something more with them. It’s engineered so much neurotic inner dialogue. But I do want more from myself. My Mars is crap at catching people and getting them to like me.. it can only be focused on some type of tasks (autocorrected to work interestingly). People are important to me but I am no Libra so they are only very specific people and important in particular ways. I’m not good at equality or taking turns.. it could be because of oppositions in my chart. I don’t do ‘equal partnership.’ I never thought I was other focused. But I was also very insulated and trapped in myself not needing to take sustenance from the outside. Which makes it very hard to interdepend. And seek bonds with my peers. Fuck I don’t want to go back to that. But I want more from me…

  10. Idk I have Uranus involved with some stuff in my chart. The way I see the 6th house is like there’s many ways to help people. Can help an old lady across the street, give a homeless dude a sandwich, these are quick actions.. no need to stay on and build a relationship. Or you go to work every day to work with like addicts or doing social work for instance. But then you go home and spend time with yourself. The action of service had a different duration to me.. depending on the act.. if it’s ongoing or a one time thing. I don’t think that building a relationship or seeing the person you’ve done something for is necessary. But I have Uranus involved with the 2nd house Jupiter so I really prefer to do something extravagant for someone and blow out of there. Serving day in day out takes it out of me unless it’s work related. Or volunteership related.

  11. The four Angles themselves are important to this discussion. The Midheaven as the highest point the Sun reaches in the sky on the day of birth – ” light ” and then the IC as emergent unconscious personal emotional reality – ” dark” have an impact on the balance between the left and right hemispheres.

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