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2024 Predictions

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Prediction: Global Economic Collapse

The collapse may begin in the US as early as March 23-25. I certainly expect significant US losses March 30-31. From late March thru April 18th could be a bloodbath.


This is from Pathfinder Astro. I think it's entirely possible but I also think Uranus is involved.

What do you expect for 2024?

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We shall see.

Not saying that’s wrong, but boy people are really loving predicting horrible awful things these days, so much so that I feel like it’s feeding on itself. Almost like a competition, who can predict the most horrifying circumstance?

On the other hand, there is so much going on right now that is so wrong. And it is held in place by people that love it that way and don’t want to give it up.  So in order for things to improve, somebody is going to be unhappy.

I want things to improve. I don’t want to lose anything, but if my losses will improve things I’m all for it and I hope I will not be a big baby about it.

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@aspire the reason I post this guy's work is because he's really into prediction.  He thinks this is the only way to make people take astrology serious.

His opinion, obvs, but the reason I read him is because he publishes his predictions, way in advance and he shows his work. He also uses techniques (like lunar returns), that most don't, anymore, but most of all, it's because he's very clear about what he saying.

This was also his:


So it's less what he's predicting and more, how he's predicting.

I often feel astrologers making predictions are more "wishful thinking".  Also, the conditions exist for a global collapse. It's really no stretch at all.  He's just spelling this out, which takes a lot of nerve in this era.


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No, I agree about the conditions being ripe for crisis. And I also agree with your point that it is a very powerful plus to post your predictions and your success/fail rate. It does take nerve. And major confidence in the astrology, which I love.

My point was the drama and hysterics about what is going to happen to us all, as if we have no agency and are simply victims of a cruel senseless universe - this seems to be the predominant note sounded by astrologers lately. I assume many of them have shallow knowledge of astrology, they are just reading the astral energy of fear fear fear. So I wasn’t reacting specifically to Pathfinder Astro. 

As you demonstrate constantly here, energy is neutral until applied. Using astrology to understand, mitigate or optimize your situation is the main feature of Elsa astrology. 

I tried to find his fb page but came up with one guy with 4 followers and another who is in Mumbai. I am traveling so maybe that’s why. I will try again later to track it down.

As long as I have veered off topic, here is another thought: AI taking over astrological prediction. It has been discussed elsewhere here and it is important. What is the wise astrologer’s advantage over AI? This site is a demonstration of that wisdom; it is not about predicting outcomes, it is about understanding and insight - which ultimately influences outcomes. 

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@aspire There isn't one answer because people believe different things. I feel there is an "us" and them, but the divide is not political, or racial or or whatever. It's something else, people can't see yet.

That you can't find him, is testament to the fact he is an actual homegrown person/astrologer.

He's been around a long time, but people like him (us) are hidden on the internet.

This guy is all about prediction and nothing else, at all.

This does not mean he is not fallible. I'm only saying, he's real (who and what he says he is).

Posted by: @aspire

What is the wise astrologer’s advantage over AI?

The human is far more likely to be earnestly trying to help you.
AI, not a chance.


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@elsa That is a brilliant and super useful way to look at AI.

Also, I meant I couldn’t find his Facebook page. His web site is excellent.

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Not a "cruel and senseless universe,"  just cruel and senseless people -- these are man-made disasters.

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@warped yes and those cruel and senseless people are the ones feeding and profiting from the panic and inevitability of a terrifying future caused by a cruel and senseless universe and derailing any recognition of man’s part in bringing about these disasters.

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So you're blaming the universe for cruel and senseless human behavior?

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  1. @warped gosh no! That is my poor writing. I probably should have written “so-called” cruel and senseless universe. I was agreeing with you, but not very articulately!
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Well, it's not entirely off -- the universe (aka God?) did give humans free will.  And allowed /allows evil to exist.  But the cruel and senseless actions are a choice humans make.

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@elsa Very interesting. Thank you for sharing this!

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prediction ryan

Also. very specific.

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I'm an optimist. I don't pay attention to this kind of thing or conspiracy theorists. But at the same time I see a lot that's broken (housing, jobs, concentration of wealth). Things can't go on like this.

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