
Transit Saturn oppo...
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Transit Saturn opposite Natal moon in virgo.

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im gonna be having transit saturn opposite natal moon which is in virgo. Could anyone tell me what this transit is like? Does it produce anxiety or fears? Thanks you 🙏

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Just looked back at when Saturn opposed my moon years ago. I did go through a depression at that time, but I came out okay. 

With Virgo involved, anxiety seems likely. Try not to become overwhelmed by the small stuff. Try not to be overly critical to yourself or others if you notice yourself going in that direction. Instead, hone your discernment, as in, how consequential is this problem, task? Etc. Try to figure out the things that are really deserving of your attention.

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Thank you so much. Hope its just minor anxiety 🙏 and i just breeze through this transit. 

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Saturn in Pisces is all about anxiety, up until you get a handle on it.

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Oh wow thats a long time but doing my beat to manage anxiety. 

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I just went through the square. Saturn to the moon hurts. It's EMOTIONAL.

I don't care what sign your moon is in. I have an earth moon and it still hurt. Deeply. 

Sadness, depression, and loneliness. Saturn is the planet of karma, structure and discipline. Saturn also rules restrictions, challenges, obstacles, and limitations. (Limits, and time)

Saturn rules Cap and Aqua... think about those two signs. For me... that is hammers to my head and giving zero emotions in my direction. For you this will mean something completely different. That is just how I see Saturn energy. At this age, I can't stand it. For you... may be a parade! 

COLD. For me Saturn energy is COLD. No empathy sent my way. So, for me it was rough. Not a nice word to be said to me. Literally accused of something I did not do, (And both of my parents had just died within weeks of each other) I had to do it by myself. Which was good, because I know now, I don't need the persons that were awful. Worse, I got taunted too. It would not happen today. Today I would retaliate in full force. But I had Saturn square my moon, so I took it and felt like I had no choice...when I did. Don't be afraid of it though. I am stronger now. I mean 1000 times stronger and now I have Pluto behind me. So... I fear little today. And would have no problem returning the favor. 

There are people that will never be welcome in my life again because of this transit. And even better, they don't know how I really feel about it. In fact, I am waiting for their karma now. For me today - Saturn crushes my creativity and insults me whenever possible. Passive aggressive insults because the full frontal would be met with swift opposition. 

You might avoid people. Do a little hermit thing. This transit won't last forever or even that long. But it's painful. And it's deep. You are dealing with trash on your moon. The moon. Think about it. That is your emotional self. The ruler of our emotions, our personal self. Saturn has decided to either square it sit on it or be opposite of it. It hurts. The Sun gives us our spirit, it’s the Moon that gives us our soul. 

Now think about the sign of Capricorn and Aquarius in regard to the moon.... that deep emotional part of you. Yeah, it sucks. No hugs given. No emotion given. I mean if you do get anything for your soul it will be awkward and very cold. So, you have to do it yourself. And it's an inside job. You'll do some self-examination. There is a tendency towards depression. Be aware of that ahead of time so you know how to deal with that energy... you know with depression to get up and hold yourself accountable by at least getting in the shower in the morning, brushing your teeth, putting on clean clothes, go outside and walk or take a drive, listen to uplifting music. You have to do these things every day even if you want to lay in bed and stare at the wall. And you will. 

I read that you can look back 7 and 14 years ago to understand why you are suffering during Saturn to your moon. When I did that, I completely understood it. They also say it's a time to get rid of some karma. I am certain I did that too. I paid the BILL... and it was not cheap this time. 

What I learned. I can hold my own. I don't need to unload my emotions on anyone. Even when people die. I still may, but I don't need to. It wiped out several people I had no business even speaking to in the first place and forced me to sit alone and come to terms with whatever I was doing wrong too. My father told me before he passed to build an audience and do it immediately. I asked him why. He said so that in the future when I am not here, you will have a platform for all the world to see when someone shits on you, and I am no longer here to offer protection. So, during the time Saturn was on my moon, I did exactly what he asked me to do. 

I have a lot of Scorpio energy so I can usually navigate Pluto even when all hell breaks loose, but Saturn... this is entirely different for me. Saturn is crushing for me. And it put me off any relationship that is associated with Saturn, for the rest of my life. Except my husband, his Pisces Sun and Venus even it all out. When I say the rest of my life, I am in the last chapter so .... I doubt I will be dealing with large volumes of people anyway, but I still have Saturn ruled relatives. One likes to tell me what to do. HA 🙄 

I didn't have fear or anxiety when Saturn recently transited my moon. It was emotional, painful and depressing. Heavy. Restrictive. I also had bone pain and I was sick. A lot of back pain. This all passed when the transit was over, and you can easily feel it lift because it's heavy. When it is over and you shake it off, you will be a much stronger version of yourself, and you are not going to take a lot of crap from anyone. It turned me into a sniper from the side. I protect myself now. 

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@soup thank you for taking the time to respond to me. Im sorry it was so tough for you but glad you came out stronger than before. i appreciate your wise words 🙏

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@lakers248 Remember during... you come first. It won't be forever, but during any Saturn or Pluto transit to luminaries... put yourself first during that time. Work on you, love on you, protect you. xo You'll be okay!

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@soup wow thank you, one of the things i struggle with is putting myself first wow thanks for this reminder 🙏

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@soup yes THANK YOU Soup, as always, for your sincere sharing experience. Helpful beyond words. 

“You may think that you are completely insignificant in this world. But someone drinks coffee from the favorite cup you gave them. Someone heard a song on the radio that reminded them of you. Someone read the book that you recommended and plunged head first into it. Someone smiled after a hard day’s work because they remembered the joke that you told them today. Someone loves themselves a little bit more, because you gave them a compliment. Never think that you have no influence whatsoever. Your trace, which you leave behind with every good deed, cannot be erased.”


Many thanks Soup ~








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@thenewboy You are always so kind. And I am grateful for that. Thank you.

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