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All outer planets transiting Northern hemisphere

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Anyone else experiencing this right now?

Starting with Pluto in my 1st, going through to Uranus just past my IC, I have all the transiting outer planets crawling slowly through the Northern hemisphere of my chart. I am intensely private at this time, working with trauma past and present and doing a lot of shadow work. In my natal chart, most of my placements are in the Southern hemisphere, so this is quite a trying time for me.

One big thing I am noticing, though, is that I don't seem to be seen/heard. It's like shouting into the abyss! As a Libra, I somewhat rely on interactions, the back and forth of ideas and such, and to be left hanging is.... weird!

So I'm asking if anyone is going through this, and how it's affecting you/how you are dealing with it? Thanks ? 

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This may help, defining hemispheres.

I also have the Northern hemisphere emphasized... UGH.

Thankfully, my progressed chart is otherwise.

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@elsa Thanks! ?

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I'm also having to live in my Northern Hemisphere, and I'm a Southern Hemisphere person. My moon is in the Northern Hemi (5th house), but my North Node is in the 10th house! I'm being pulled toward staying close to home the past few years, and life gets in the way lately, any time I try to move in the direction of career, putting myself out there, mingling with society. It just isn't in the cards right now! 

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@notmycircus yes! I'm likening it to an invisible barrier that I just can't push through, so instead I'm going within to try and find what I need.

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