
Anaretic degrees: H...
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Anaretic degrees: How would you interpret them?

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Inspired by a discussion yestersay, I got reminded of the fact that I'm surrounded by people who have at least one planet at 29 degrees, though I don't have any myself: My sister has 7th house Saturn at 29 degrees Libra. Her soon-to-be husband has 11th house Sun and Mercury in 29 Sagittarius, and my partner has Sun in 29 Cancer in the 7th sextile his 4th house Jupiter in 29 Taurus. Here's how it has materialized: all of them are teachers, with my partner becoming a teacher by accident (he is actually a programmer and a musician). Furthermore, both my sister and her soon-to-be husband were considered as eternal bachelors by the families, and yet not only are they to get married soon, but my sister is pregnant! 

I would interpret the 29th degree as something that was not thought to happen, but it ended up happening in the blink of an eye.

How has it manifested in your case?

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I have Pluto at 29 degrees Libra.  Not exactly sure how it has manifested. I will have to give this some thought. 

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@mariar Hmmm, my mum has 29 Pluto in Leo (how did I forget that?). She did not have the chance to enter Uni when she was younger, as doing so would require money she didn't have and felt powerless due to this. She thinks she's too old to try to do so even now, but she keeps thinking about it and she has been a powerful presence in our family, for better or worse. With Pluto in Libra, you may feel powerless in your relationships, until in the blink of an eye you decide to reclaim your power, directly or indirectly. You want relationships to stop "happening" to you, and you want to become an active agent in them.

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Well I would really like to be a mother but I'm currently single.   I wrote about this before on the forum. I feel I've left it a little late but it could still happen - could this be Pluto at 29?

What you wrote is true.  I have felt powerless in relationships in the past.  And stayed too long in unhealthy relationships. 

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@mariar With Pluto at 29 degrees, I can definitely imagine not only getting hitched, but simultaneously pregnant at the same time. My mum got married at 24, which was considered too old at the time, and she got pregnant rather quickly with my sister, the one with the 29th degree Saturn! My partner's mom has a 29th degree Pluto, too, and she got married late, according to society's standards (she was 30 when she met my partner's father). She met my partner's late father through an office for arranged dating, and they fell so badly in love that my partner's father abandoned a 5-year relationship, and married her very quickly. My partner was born the next year.

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Maybe there's hope for me!  

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@mariar There is ?

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I have Pluto 29* in Virgo on the cusp of my 5th house.

Never been married either. Definitely dodged some bullets there.
No children, but I'm a skating coach so I got the teacher thing. Raised up other people's kids (and some adults too).

I agree with the denial art of anaretic degrees. It was depressing for a while to realize I will never have bio kids or even get married but oh well.
There's a certain freedom in that. Except society wants some kind of explanation for that unusualness. (I have horns and a tail)

My Pluto is tangled up in a T square though so there are other factors.

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