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Archetype Stories - Can you benefit?

Bar in the Sky
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I have been grappling with a determined energy to break free of old habits that have been blocking me from well just about everything. 
I have posted about it in different forums and blog posts with mostly the same sense of it. 
I was prompted to look where my Pluto and Uranus happenings were happening. I will have Uranus sextile Moon at 24 degrees Taurus in the 11th house until 2025.  This lead me to search for the Sabian Symbol for 24 degrees Taurus. 


This archetype story has adjusted my energy so much, I am able to let go of the impatience. It brought me to a whole new level of understanding. 
Thank you Sophiab for advising me to shift the relationship with myself and of course Elsa for her post on Pluto and Uranus transitions- this is how I was able to dig further for this information. 

Have you ever been awakened to a deeper understanding with archetype stories? 

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It's interesting you identified the Uranus transit to your Moon because that's what crossed my mind when reading your earlier posts...I could feel the urgency to change and break free which I associate with Uranus. Is transit Uranus making any other aspects to points or planets in your chart? And do I read you right that Uranus is transiting your 11th house? If so, its being in the native Aquarius house seems an even stronger Uranian influence!

Would you believe that my Taurus Sun is at 24*! So I found this video fascinating. I've been doing what he describes, I think particularly since Uranus entered Taurus, in terms of inner authority through self discipline and then reflecting that out, it's a very hard journey. I struggle and feel discomfort with claiming power, although there seems to come a time it's do or die (got to remember Scorpio/Pluto/Mars is always shadowing Taurus!) I was wondering if manifestation could be considered the same thing here? Claiming power / manifesting what you want.

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