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Are we blind to our own chart?

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So, I would consider myself an intermediate astrologer and I can easily look at other people's charts and give them answers. But when I look at my own, it's like this wall. I kinda get it, but it still feels like a mystery to me. Does this happen to anyone else where your own chart feels obscured and unreadable?

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Not in my case, but I have an ultra simple chart. I doubt I'd say the same, if it looked like some I've seen, or even if it was average.

My chart is kindergarten!

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Yes. I think it helps to meet people with similar placements and observe them, I think we discover ourselves through relating. And how parts of the chart express can be revealed over time based on the experience of transits that target certain placements. As an eg, I just had the first exact hit of my Chiron return so that gave me some more info about Chiron and Aries where it sits. I'll get two more hits including a station, so by the end of that period, I will understand it better. They also say you don't grow into your Sun for quite a while, other parts of the chart can be more active. And the outer planets are unconscious, so that makes them harder to grasp too. Constantly unfolding Smile

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For sure. I didnt appreciate  how harsh and detached I can sound (Cap Mercury conj. Aqu.Saturn) until I ran into it myself.

Hades Moon
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I must confess that I enjoy looking at other’s charts more than my own.  I think we can all benefit from a new, fresh set of eyes looking at our chart. Additional, innovative interpretations coming from outside ourselves could provide greater insights (and be a lot of fun).

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I am. I also either underreact or severely overreact to foreknowledge of certain transits. I can do some things myself, like Lunar Returns, but there's certain other things that I have to hand off to someone else.

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I've read charts for people who refuse to recognize even the most fundamental placements in their charts nor accepting their true character. Like, I'll note they have the Sun in the 7th house and I'll explain they probably rely a lot on relationships, and they'll be like "No, I'm single.", not realizing how many other ways they are actually totally dependent on others, like friends and family. So, basically you have to read your chart and do your best to find the connection IRL and accept it as being "the case". Also, make absolutely, positively sure your birth time is correct.

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