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Composite Sun Square Saturn

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This aspect is an indication that by being together you will share very powerful learning experiences which should not be taken lightly. Yours may very well be a fated and unavoidable relationship as well. Your relationship may be short-termed or long, but understand that Sun/Saturn bonds are not easily broken and they tend to bind you together for good or ill.

Your relationship together will expose facets of your personalities that you were unaware of and that you may not want to face. If you can take this opportunity to learn and grow, then you will discover a great deal about your faults and weaknesses. And the only way to overcome your weaknesses is to squarely face them and resolve to correct what needs correcting.

If you are looking for a foot-loose and fancy-free relationship, then don't enter into this one because you are likely to feel like a dog on a leash, and a short one at that. Limitations and confinement surround this aspect and unless you are looking for a little discipline, then it would be better to leave that to the boot camp drill instructor. Make no mistake, with this aspect there will be times when you feel you are restrained and confined just like in prison.

On a positive note, if you have been irresponsible and immature, then this relationship will show you the error of your ways and how you can improve. There is nothing like a little maturity to help us be better people. If your experience together is needed as part of a master plan, then you may very well have a long association. If not, then your relationship may be short-lived.

You may very well blame each other for all of the difficulties within your relationship. Each of you may see the other as the controller, the manipulator, the disapproving authority figure, the judge and jury, the stick in the mud who has no sense of humor at all. Constant duties, obligations and responsibilities may sap all the life out of your being together, yet you may continue to do them as though you were driven by some slave driver. This aspect does give a sense of security and that sense should not be taken lightly.

Personal one-on-one attachment, affection, fondness and tenderness will be lost to responsibility and hard work. This might be good in a working business partnership, but in a close personal relationship feelings will probably suffer.

You can expect a great deal of struggle, hardship and having to overcome adversity at every turn. One of you may very well become a great burden to the other in some way, thus helping them or yourself to mature and become more self-reliant.

Financial hardships, possible chronic health, oppression, obligations, and restrictions sum up the balance of this configuration. Yet this aspect does give you the power to endure and to overcome.

That's from the Composite Report

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