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Composite Uranus in 3rd house

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Uranus in the Composite 3rd house:

Uranus located in the 3rd house of communication suggests that your thinking and ideas will be very different and that they will completely revamp the way each of you thinks. You will also find that the two of you have an effect on the people around you as well. Avoid trying to make this relationship fit a mold, as it will take its own direction, with unexpected and electric results. If you try to make it something it can't be, then communication will be somewhat frustrating and erratic, causing arguments. Instead, just let it go with the flow for best results. You may find that at times just being around each other makes you very nervous and that you both need lots of room to breathe. This is not a very favorable position for Uranus and communication.

That's from the Composite Report

Do you have Uranus in the third house of your composite chart?

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