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Composite Uranus in 9th house

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Uranus in the Composite 9th house:

Uranus is the master of instability, uncertainty, wacky and impulsive thinking and actions, and freedom. Uranus in the 9th house indicates that your relationship will face challenges in the way you view the world. Whatever preconceived notions you had before you came into your relationship, they will ultimately be changed as a result of your being together. In the early stages of your relationship you may have had constant disagreements about your personal views of life. Try to understand that this challenge in many ways is freeing you from old thought patterns introduced since childhood, and by challenging them, you can refine or change them for the better. If as a couple you cannot accept this, then the areas of philosophy, metaphysical theory, higher thinking, religion and spiritual values will be a very disruptive force in your lives together. Should you be able to put your egos off to the side and work as a team for the common goal of truth, then this will be a very favorable relationship, even if there are more than a fair share of disruptions.

That's from the Composite Report

My husband and I have Uranus in the 9th.  We have our individual worldviews, which can differ at times. We're open to different perspectives and we study things, independently.

Do you have Uranus in the 9th house of your composite chart?

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