
Composite Venus Con...
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Composite Venus Conjunct Mars Effects

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Yours is likely a very passionate and affectionate relationship and this aspect will help strengthen the bond between you. The intensity that you feel as a couple cannot be ignored and if you think you are just going to be friends, without any intimate contact, then you may need to think again. No matter how much you try to deny the powerful attraction, the sexual energy will remain, and the urge to merge will be overwhelming.

Your feelings will always have a high degree of sizzle and this should keep you warm on a cold night and should not fade over time. This will not be a "ships that pass in the night" relationship and, should other indicators in your chart signal any difficulties, this will add fuel to the high intensity fire. You will have to look elsewhere in the chart for intellectual and emotional togetherness, but as for the physical side, it's a definite go!

That's from the Composite Report

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