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Composite Venus Conjunct Pluto Effects

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This relationship is sure to completely change all of your previous views about love. You may feel right from the start that there is a fated quality to it - and you may be right. There may have been some tragedy that brought you together or perhaps you were going through a difficult time when you found each other. You can expect to see a strong bond develop rather quickly, as well as the possibility of some quite obsessive behavior. It will be difficult to run away from this relationship! You may try, but the internal pain you probably feel from not being together may seem unbearable.

Be careful that one of you does not try to dominate the relationship or control the other through any and all kinds of manipulation. At the same time you may experience, to some degree, jealous rage, possessiveness, a lack of trust, or the feeling of being used or deceived in addition to an obsessive type of "love". This is where the term "I fell madly in love" was spawned. Do not take this relationship for granted or think it will be just a one night stand, because you can get burned if you play with fire. Whether this relationship dies and is reborn like the Phoenix or goes up in smoke depends on how well you handle it. I think you can count on being transformed in one or more ways because you are together.

This relationship can easily find you doing things you never dreamed of doing before and breaking all the sexual rules you thought existed. You may suddenly break off other relationships to be in this one, no matter how long you were in them previously and no matter what their status was. This relationship, for good or ill, is likely to be very intense.

That's from the Composite Report

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