The planets used in Astrology are the actual 10 real known planets in our solar system. They are the same ones that have been tracked throughout the ages, following their movements and cycles but in Astrology they REPRESENT different energies pertaining to our lives and occurrences on the earth and they are what we use as markers for reading those energies. They have weight and gravity and their cycles are well known and measured. The difference between a planet and an asteroid should be obvious. Astrology has its own methods, meanings and rules based on not so obvious sensibilities that are used to practice it. It' s not like astrologers don' t know anything about the solar system, what's in it and how it works, likely they know more than most, it's more like debunkers and those who make up their own rules and systems to argue about it who actually don't know about Astrology
Yes, Pluto is considered a planet in Astrology and is the modern ruling planet of the Sign Scorpio, this hasn't changed in Astrology because some one decided to change its classification.
@Anna I completely agree with you on the strong similarities between Pallas and Libra (though I don't think it rules it) but I honestly don't see any relation between Virgo and Ceres. I know that Ceres (mythologically) is the goddess of the grain harvest which does link to Virgo but astrologically its all about nurture, sustenance, food and motherhood- which imo seems much more like a Taurus/ Cancer mix.
I don't have a strongly placed Chiron so perhaps not one to speak from experience,but when I hear "healing" Scorpio (not Virgo) comes to mind. I could be wrong though
I personally think Vesta rules Virgo. Vesta is the virgin goddess after all. Vestal virgins tending the sacred flame, etc… makes sense to me.
I have it conj Mars. I can def sense Virgo energy within my Mars…