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Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces 2024 - Discuss!

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full moon in Pisces

September 17th.

What do you think?

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Looks solid to me. Sun part of a grand earth Trine and Jupiter amping it all up. My Mercury conjuncts the GEarth trine so yay!

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The Venus-Pluto-Chiron T-square grabs my attention.

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@elsa Chiron on my natal Chiron again by Rx 22* Aries throughout September. Reaches for anaesthetic... 😬

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@sophiab er...shit! I would not like that. I wish you luck.

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@elsa Thanks Elsa!

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@sophiab Venus will be transiting my Chiron 25 Libra so the T-square with transiting Chiron and Pluto will all smash me too. Hoping to push through the pain I'm already feeling and get some healing from it.

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@rusalka Go gently on your self 🥰

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I noticed Mars is squaring the transiting nodes exactly, 7* 

Hades Moon
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In my 7th house, how interesting 🤔.

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Hades Moon
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No, what’s interesting is how I read this wrong 😳.

I have Pisces ♓️ rising, it’s in my first house!

Must not have had my second coffee when I wrote.

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@hades-moon lol. Based on the weirdness of today, I'm sensing eclipse season is truly open. And also it's the start of the Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycle with Neptune and Saturn in Pisces 😳

Hades Moon
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@sophiab Yeah, like others have mentioned, I am also already feeling the eclipse vibes. My focus on life is shifting and changes will be sure to follow.

Having Neptune and Saturn in Pisces is quite bizarre given their contradictory energies. Quite an interesting/ unique time we are living through.


Bar in the Sky
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Conjunct my moon, square my Ascendant. I am already feeling this… which means I can work on this energy now. What is going on inside my mind/body/soul does not match the outside environment. 

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@bar-in-the-sky I also feel it but I can't find the words.

Bar in the Sky
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@elsa just checked and my Lunar return is also on the 17th

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@bar-in-the-sky Funny, I was guided to check my next lunar return this morning and it falls on 16th September. Would be interested to know what you and @Elsa are sensing but understandable if it can't be put into words. 🐟🐟🌛

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@sophiab grappling with the surge of determination to change my life, by that I mean; I quite drinking, quite smoking pot, quite bullshit spending habits. I am working on getting myself out of a funk financial situation. Focusing on healthy eating, working out- limiting my hobbies ( I can go all in on creative endeavors, a bit obsessively) This decision is made. There is no walking back. The world has yet to catch wind of the headspace I am currently holding now. I feel pessimism and low self esteem because I do not see the these changes moving the needle. I know it’s the long game I’m playing here, but the day to day living is making me feel captive. I’m not saying I’m giving up or moving backwards. I am determined this is my certainty. 
All of my transits confirm that I am doing the right thing, but I am becoming impatient. It feels like a paradox.

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@bar-in-the-sky Sounds like your soul is pushing hard to break loose, can be really uncomfortable. In those moments of strong frustration and pessimism, sometimes all that can be done, but that can lead to a temporary easing of the feelings, is to consciously shift the relationship to yourself in that moment, like catching if you are being too hard on yourself and then letting yourself off the hook a bit. Maybe doing something nice for yourself, can be small thing. It's really hard process, but you're tempering your ego against your soul in these moments.

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Another thing to bear in mind is that having a Pisces Moon means feeling collective energy, and it can be confusing to identify it clearly from our own stuff. What I'm saying is, many many people in the collective are feeling trapped and wanting to bust loose right now, so it's important to factor that in, that you might also be feeling a trending energy as it were. Being a Pisces Moon is complex! 

Bar in the Sky
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@sophiab honestly, thank you for taking the time to write this.

Posted by: @sophiab

consciously shift the relationship to yourself in that moment

This really stands out and is extremely helpful. 

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@bar-in-the-sky What you describe resonates with me. Very hard process, kudos to you for keeping at it.

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