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How can you recognize Pluto conjunct the ascendant?

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Can you identify a person with Pluto conjunct his or her ascendant? How?

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My mother has this. I have seen her eyes burn when she is angry. There is something so deep and intense in that anger. It comes up from within. I can never forget it and can see it now.

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The two that I know very well personally are what I would describe as "Long, tall, cool" but it is more their personalities than their looks that stood out to me.

One is male and one is female. The female is my son's girlfriend. She is sooo attractive, but in a preppy way. Tall, extremely lean and gorgeous, deep set eyes. Flat chested with an attractive bob hairstyle, she like she stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad. She was a "test tube baby" and valedictorian of her high school class. What impresses me is her mind. She listens to public radio, is president of a refugee alliance and works two jobs while attending college full time. She works in a lawyers office and she works in an art gallery. She has great morals and she is a kind, compassionate person of great integrity.

The male is a client of mine who I know extremely well. The first time I saw him, he was so kind to me he got down on a bended knee while I was sitting at my computer to thank me for my help. He has jet black eyes and is the most handsome Hispanic American young man. He works at a car dealership and he is very intelligent, compassionate, and trustworthy.

Both of these people have an inner calm and peaceful demeanor about them. Both are extremely close to their mothers. They both strike me as beautiful, on the inside and out..

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@sherry Pluto in Virgo?

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My natal Pluto is conjunct my Scorpio ascendant and there perhaps the most frequent thing I hear from other people is about my eyes. After reading about this aspect I've discovered that this is common for people with Pluto conjunct Scorpio ascendant. I get many compliments on my eyes and I'm told that they're "friendly" eyes, I was also just recently told I have "bedroom" eyes xD But then on the flip side I have also been told that my eyes are terrifying when I'm angry. I often wish I could see myself from another's view when I get angry...because I have found that people really do get afraid of me. But I never really know what it is about me that is so frightening seeing as how people think my eyes are normally friendly. 

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Pluto on the AC has the ability to make other people very uncomfortable. They have eyes that can pierce straight through a person's soul and see secrets that the other person doesn't want known. They don't go in for small talk, but enjoy learning about others, by probing and observing. Plutonians enjoy getting strong reactions from the people around them, too. I can't help but think of Dracula when I think of Plutonic energy.

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I am sure my Libra father in law had Scorpio on the rise. He had the eyes and intensity. There was nothing mild or nice about him. He told me that he loved antagonizing others. He fought with everyone and he even caused a man to have a heart attack and die, just because the teen son flipped him off for a prank. Bill, the dreaded fil, had Venus in Scorpio. He was so vindictive that when he drove by another enemy's house he would throw all of his trash out on the man's property. He was a nightmare. There was so much more he said and did. Ugh. Plus, his daughter that died was just like him and hero worshipped him. She was an Aries Sun that had Pluto opposing her Sun. 

My Libran uncle could have Scorpio on the AC too. I know he has Venus tightly conjunct Pluto and Mercury in Scorpio. He is so secretive, it is like pulling teeth to get him to talk. When he was younger, he was hell on two legs. He would cuss a person and make sailors take notes. He once threatened to shoot my mother because he was going to do what he wanted and no one was going to stop him. He did admit to soaping windows and tping houses each Halloween. Like the fil, he loved being a hateful jerk.

Pluto can have such a powerful affect on people. 

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Should add the fil had Moon Pluto conjunction in Leo and my uncle's Moon is in Pisces. 

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I have this and I think it's softened by being in Virgo. That said, it does make people think you are observing them or have an opinion when you haven't even reacted. 

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