A Scorpio Ascendent here with an exact 7 th house Moon Pluto square.
Obsession is an emotional pandemic linked to the end of the Piscean age. Merging with partners and Gods no longer provides salvation or wholeness. We are left with navigating our personal wills and unique emotional selves as our guides. Individuation.
It is no coincidence that the Virgo Pisces full Moon and the Black Moon axis/Chiron contact squaring the Moon Nodes are so closely timed.
For most of my life, obsession took the wheel. Perhaps the irrational wild ride filled the void, a driven acquisitive role rather than lack of purpose. A man, a career, a place I wanted to explore or move to -- a "whole life immersion."
But I finally outgrew it. When an old crush popped up inconveniently, I deconstructed the situation by analyzing the results of strategic but innocuous questions, finding nothing there to be obsessed about, in fact quite the contrary.
So dissect, deconstruct, analyze the object of your obsession to render it powerless.